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Angry Birds Fanon Wiki
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Yellow Exclamation

Angry birds: Let's get serious occurs three years after Angry birds 2. The name "Let's get serious" is because the birds are tired of the pig attacks and Nightskybry is tired of making silly birds and silly games.

The power-ups include: Power potion, King sling, Sling scope, Birdquake, Golden duck, Blizzard, Hot chili, Pig inflater, Mighty eagle, Homing bird, TNT drop, Boombox, Wingman, Mushbloom, and Samba bird.

The story starts with red guarding the eggs:

Red: Oh, isn't it wonderful, there have been no pig attacks for a week!

Bubbles: Red, me and Hal just got back from spying on the pigs and...

Hal: They are launching an attack!

Red: When?

Bubbles: Now!

(distant rumbling)

Red: Calling all birds! Emergency meeting!

Matilda: What is it Red?

Red: Hear that? That is the pigs launching an attack on us!

Jim: Red?

Red: Don't interrupt Jim. Anyway as I was saying...

Jake: Red?

Red: Jake you too! Let's get serious here!

The blues: RED!

Red: What is it!!!

Jay: Who is watching the eggs?

(Long pause)

Red (Nervously): Matilda, you check the nest, everyone else, fight the pigs!

(birds fighting)

Matilda: The eggs are gone!

Red: (panicking)

(screen gains a red hue)

(screen is black and red screams then quiet)

(Theme begins playing)

(screen says Angry birds: Let's get serious)

(screen brightens and level 1-1 starts)

The birds:


Minion pigs

Rocket pig

Crystal pig

Balloon pig

Beamer pig

Fire pig

Snow pig

Angry pig

astro pig

chemist pig

scuba pig

Umbrella pig

Construction pig

Swimmer pig

Pig in a bubble (ab space) Aka: Bubble pig

Female pig

Corporal pig

Foreman pig

Chef pig

King pig

Fat pig

Piggy Mcool (shows you how to play the game. Also appears in the background of cutscenes)

Postman pig (piggy mail)

Note for pigs: The Rocket, crystal, beamer, swimmer, construction, fire, snow, umbrella, golden, astro, angry, chemist, scuba, and balloon pigs are from Angry Birds 2, if you have created a pig by that name, I did not steal it.


Episodes one, eight, and two do not really have a storyline, episode the others do:

It was in the middle of the battle, all of a sudden, a portal opens up:

Red: Hey, look at that thing!

Bomb: Oh, I remember this!

Chuck: Me too, the battle has temporally calmed, who wants to check and see how Ice bird and Blaser are doing?

Whole flock: Me!

All the birds jump in, Turning into their space versions, for those without space versions, the kept their abilities, with minor design changes.

Red: Blaser, Ice Bird, how's it going?

Blaser: Not good.

Ice Bird: The bubble pigs stole the eggsteroid!

Bomb: We are in battle too!

Stella: It temporally broke up, so we decided to visit you!

Blaser: Nice, so can you help us?

Hal: One minute, just checking to see if the pigs are ready to battle on the camera me and Bubbles set up...

Hal: We're clear, and before we left, we hid the eggs, so that'll buy us some time.

Blaser: Perfect, now let's fight those pigs! (sips tea) To the slingshot!

(Level 3-1 starts)

Cutscene for 4-1:

Hal: RED! The pigs found the eggs and are taking them away as I speak!

Red: We need to get back to Earth... but where is it?

Bubbles: Good thing it's right there.

Red: Where?

Bubbles: Right behind you.

Red: Oh, perfect

Blaser: Since you helped us defeat our pig problem, we are going to help you!

Ice bird: Yes.

The blues: Yay! Two more birds to play with!

(The birds go back to Earth and fight the pigs)

Chapter 5 cutscene:

Red: Oh, look who's here! Blu and Jewel, remember them from Rio?

Terence: (Grunt)

Matilda: I have begun to understand his language, he said "yes".

The blues: Yay! MORE birds to play with!

The 30th level of each episode will have a boss level the boss music is the same for each boss level

Chapter 6 cutscene:

Red: Oh, look it's Zeta, from the second movie!

Bubbles: Yeah, why was I not in that movie along with a lot of other characters.

Zeta: Oh well, I've turned bad again!

Red: Oh no!

Silver: We're ready to fight!

Chapter 7 Cutscene:

Stella: Poppy? Dahlia? Luca? Willow? Is that you?

Stella's flock: Yes!

Stella: Oh, it's been so long, what's new?

Willow: Gale is here too

Luca: With her piggies

Dahlia: It's all true

Poppy: And inconvienitent

Stella: Oh, and I have some friends who can join the fight!

Poppy: Perfect

Willow: Let's get fighting!

In chapter seven, Stella has her pink flash ability.

Boss 1:

You're basic AB2 king pig boss level, nothing really different

Boss 2:

Same as boss 1, but with King AND foreman pig

Boss 3:

King pig in a U.F.O.

Boss 4:

King, foreman, and chef pig!

Boss 5:

Nigel and some marmosets

Boss 6:

Zeta and her volcano superweapon

Boss 7:

Gale, once you defeat her, she becomes good, and playable

Boss 8:

The Fat pig from space!
