Angry Birds Fanon Wiki
Angry Birds Fanon Wiki
Angry Birds Fanon Wiki

Hey, so this is my 2nd article. I was originally going to do more RPG concepts, but I've sort of started doing other stuff apart from Angry Birds, I have reused the unfinished plot of what was supposed to be after this for a different made up game with actual original characters and am also using this one's more advanced, RPG plot for another story involving those same characters that you'll never see because it's on a private Google document mwahahaha, but since I liked the concept of my fan made lore's “Eagle Ruins” so much and I did try to incorporate the classic gameplay into it, I decided “why not just put the traditional Angry Birds version of this here and then for the other thing that's just a more original version of this, the RPG version.


Part 1[]


The birds are busy with retrieving eggs from the pigs again and succeed, which acts as the game's tutorial segment, before going back to return them to Bird Island. While finally relaxing for the night, a massive quake disturbs everyone in and around the island, mysterious ruins emerge from ground, sea, and other places, ruins of the legendary Eagle Civilization. Also rising from the ground is … land!? The bird's world quickly becomes full of both lost structures and strangely preserved landscapes. (As I never made the plots of the other RPGs, so I'll have to give you the lore dump).

The Eagle Civilization was previously the most powerful, successful faction on the planet, but they had fled one day, the day the world had been changed very drastically. However, it was said they created the powerful technology and artifacts, as such that if they fell in the wrong hands, the world would be in grave danger. Red spots pig fortresses in the distance, near the ruins and is immediately ready for any trouble. Within the ruins, the flock come across powerful Mighty Feathers, with Red being transformed by them first. After clearing the first set of levels, the birds find an old handcart in a train station and use it to explore the world.

Red, Chuck, Bomb, and The Blues head out to the region south.

Long-Lost World[]

The rails stop at Long-Lost world, a lush environment of forested cliffs, scenic waterfalls, and vast coasts. Immediately, the flock recognize the shape of Piggy Island, they notice dark red and purple crystals being carried into Pig City and attempt to halt the pigs, but a massive force field appears over the city that the birds can't penetrate, the birds worry about what the pigs are up to in the city's barriers, when a mysterious archeologist appears and beckons them over, she tells them that those crystals are indeed dangerous and should not fall into anyone's hands as they can create weapons more dangerous than a shield against any enemies, but to destroy the force field and neutralize the crystals, the flock will need to find Majesty Stars, grand embodiments of pure ancient star energy, scattered in each corner of the world. The flock are given a handy relic known as a Star Rune and set off to save their world from potential pig threat.

They follow the archeologist throughout the area, with Eli and Terence joining the roster, and unlock the path to Eggshell Coast, there, they notice that the Star Rune is making a strange sound as if it was singing. The singing gets louder as they draw closer to Sunnyside Basin, an ancient, life-sized sand fort. After they gather each Yolkstone to unlock the last level, they face off against a massive crab monster wearing a mighty sand castle shell. Upon its defeat, it explodes, leaving only the feathers orbiting it behind. Star energy coalesces between the feathers and they merge into one spot, a flash of light later and a giant star bursts into existence, the fabled Majesty Star! The flock collect the star, lifting the shroud over the deserts west of Bird Island. Eli suggests that they head wherever the Star Rune seems to lead them, and they'll find more stars.


The flock tidy up some levels in Yellow Desert, they find a lever that raises up ancient railways that prematurely finish the railways construction. The new rails allow the flock to enter the sandy wasteland, Chuck laments that dissipating the shroud didn't seem to affect this area judging by the frequent sandstorms that are dotting the area. Within a nearby town, the pack meet a eagle named Ace as well as finding Matilda. Ace helps guide them through town and they manage to reach Shrouded Valley the next day, being unable to track the next star using the rune through the shroud. The archeologist shows up again and hints that the flock should figure out where the shroud winds are coming from. From the top of a plateau, Red spots a structure in the depths of the badlands and the flock head towards it. Within Old Arena, they reach the namesake colosseum and discover the guardian of the next Majesty Star, an ancient monster of boar using Mighty Feathers to stir up great storms. The flock defeat the monster and obtain the next star, undoing the dense fog over Ornitho, southeast of Bird Island.


After going through Blue Woods, the flock use the rails to reach Ornitho, a foggy, shaded, dense woodland and begin their exploration. It is also here tat they discover ruins that contain consuming Ancient Fog. They meet up with Stella and Hal as well as the archeologist, who tells them something unique about Ornitho's component islands, one of them is said to be the sight of one of the biggest eagle cities, when the world was transformed, the island was fortunately trapped inland and wasn't damaged, and if they look near a large eagle site, they may find the next star. The flock navigate through the haunted woods once they find a lantern, reach the place the archeologist suggested they look through, and enter Earthcrest, a giant cavern. They reach the city and after having a scuffle with the still functional security system, enter a sunken observatory where they discover and follow a deranged, disfigured eagle sorcerer named Sorrowstars who's using the Majesty Star to keep himself from dying, the pigs are also hot on the sorcerer's tail to get the star themselves. Both groups corner Sorrowstars and ask him what the point is if the world he once lived in doesn't exist, the sorcerer jealously babbles on how he's outlived "all of them", attacking the 2 to get them away. He and the pigs are defeated, the pigs retreat and Sorrowstars begins to reconsider things, he thought immortality would be perfect, but now he's withering and in constant pain, and what he thought would be an invigorating battle was just a painful ruckus. He accepts his overdue passing and fades away, the star manifests shortly. The flock claim it and the next region is revealed far up northwest.


The flock head through White Mountains and activate the rails to Glaciole, a fittingly glacial part of the Unified Realm bordered by cliffs and a strange, shadowy swampland. The flock meet with Silver in this region. The archeologist and the inhabitants suggests they explore the area, but a massive marauding ship in the Glaciole Sea keeps a tight grip on the rails, shooting them with cannonballs to deter travel. Once the ship is dealt with the pack reach the entrance of Icehorn, finding a strange wall and gateway bearing symbols on it. The flock explore Icehorn and the surrounding areas for unlit torches matching the symbols. The gateway opens up and the way forward to Swirling Labyrinth, a massive peak with floating ruins trapped in an endless cyclone. At the top is an ancient eagle construct of wisdom, damaged by the elements and the energy that powers it, the construct has been rendered reckless and insane and immediately confronts the flock with its elimination protocol. The construct is totaled and the next Majesty Star is collected, lifting the fog over the region southwest of Bird Island.


The pack head through White Mountains' highest peaks and unlock the next rails leading to Graspan, Stella is disgruntled with another cold region as the flock enter the alpine mountains and cold deserts of Graspan. The flock meet up with Ruby and the archeologist leads the flock towards the depths of Gleemur Ruins, where the next star may be hidden. After crossing the cold territory and desolate ruins, the flock enter the lost temple, within its heart they face off a wyrm of ice, defeating it and claiming another star. The fog dissipates over the lands directly north of Bird Island.


The flock activate the rails in Black Center, opening up the way to Daynjer, a tropical region of badlands mixed with oases and exotically colored foliage (too which Stella finally feels better), the archeologist also warns them that this is the site of a large city, but it's been known for being rather dangerous. The flock go in and out the city to search through the other areas, but can't find a signal for the Star Rune, forcing them to go deeper in the city. They overhear a conversation between 2 pigs that Greedy Glutton's Paradise will be floating above head to increase their visitors now that the Unified Realm exists, attracted to the spectacle. Before they can go, they're cornered by a biker gang that's heard of their antics throughout the world, knowing how powerful the stars must be, the leader swipes it from Red and the gang begins to take off, forcing the flock to follow. After a scuffle down the street, the flock retake the Star Rune and leave. Just as the 2 pigs and posters plastered throughout the city said, by sunset, a large, floating paradise descends from the clouds, filling the twilight sky with fancy lights and confetti. The flock enter the lavish city, making their way through the luxuries and distractions as the Star Rune leads them to a massive circus tent-like structure in the center of the city. The signal is strongest when pointed at a pig performer, the birds sneak backstage and discover that the performer, the famous magician, Harold Hog, has been using a Majesty Star to perform his acts. They attempt to get it when he, seemingly aware of them, stops them with his magic, telling them that he cannot allow for his entire career to vanish and assumes they're simply big fans of the majesty, and curses them to join his latest performance, thinking of taking the other stars for himself after the show. The flock break through the curse and defeat him mid-performance, he relinquishes his star and the flock collect it. With 6 stars, the flock should be able to pierce the barrier over Pig City.

Long-Lost World (2nd Visit)[]

6 stars in hand, the flock is now able to pierce the shield around Pig City and enter it, quickly discovering the crystals gathered have can also form eerie chains. The flock find King Pig, who gets merged with his own castle by the cursed chains, and defeat him in a grand battle, returning him to normal. With King Pig too injured to rule, Chef Pig offers to take his place, ignoring King Pig’s immediate family, apologizing for the recent conundrum and promising to create a paradise...

Part 2[]

Ruined Ravine[]

A few weeks later, things have … changed. Pig City has become larger and may have expanded, apparently for the good of the inhabitants of this new Unified Realm to all live as one megacity, strange individuals obscured by dark red hoods are also becoming more common. The flock are approached by the mysterious archeologist again, who asks that they follow her. The archeologist leads them beyond the Unified Realm, to a place called Ruined Ravine. There, the birds find The Altar of Anticipation, an ancient site that they explore (all while being followed by … something). After defeating the Ancient Assailant in the deepest chamber, the flock recover a Majesty Star. However, this one enters a star rune built into a pillar in the ruins, activating several glowing runes. Revealed in the center of the ruins is a massive, intricate, Mayan Calender-esque device comprised of gears and carved stone. The archeologist reappears and reveals that she is Everlasting, sister of the very first Mighty Eagle, Eternity Eagle. She explains to them that the massive machine on the floor before them is the Dread Clock, an one inevitable timer that counts down to the return of a horrible demon known as The Fearmonger…

Back when the world was one floating isle, The Fearmonger invaded with its band of demons to snuff out light and courage in Ancient Eaglewing, seeking to drench the world in darkness. Eternity, already known throughout the Isle for uniquely being the largest and strongest of the eagles since a young age, had possessed the might necessary to help fight the demons and their zealots and joined the battle after the first group sent to combat them had been destroyed. Assembling a group known as the Undying Onslaught, Eternity would take on the mantle of Mighty Eagle and turn the tides of the battle. However, The Fearmonger fought back, but was sealed in the tallest volcano on Eaglewing. However, the war destroyed the continent, causing it to crumble into several pieces that either fell into the ocean as regular islands or vanished entirely. The eagles were banished, seen at fault for the chaos, but during a harsh time, Mighty Eagle returned to save the people and regained their respect, staying on Bird Island since that day. The title of Mighty Eagle passed on to similar eagles over the years, but Mighty Blade would be lost in a war at some point in history and the Ancient Eagle Civilization became myth until the first few ruins were unearthed.

Recently though, something happened that reawakened the rest of the ruins and partially restored the isle; at the same time, something has caused The Fearmonger to begin resurging, someone must’ve intentionally done something like a ritual or something. They’re trying to accelerate The Fearmonger’s escape, which could only mean disaster! The Ruins of Anticipation will be able to track down the time left (not much) and it’ll be up to the flock to do whatever they can to prevent the possible destruction of the world, but they’ll need gifts from the ruins (From here, Lv 3 abilities are unlocked, but that’s for later). Everlasting asks that the flock talk to the current era’s Mighty Eagle as she believes he’ll know how to prevent the coming apocalypse.

Eagle Mountain, Enigma Ruins and New Eaglewing[]

On the chilly summit of Eagle Mountain, the birds speak with Mighty Eagle, he tells them that in order for the lunatic behind the cultists to resurrect The Fearmonger, they would need to target the Sealing Spires in each region. The flock needs to go to each and stop the cultists, but they should assume that the worst case scenario – All of the towers were already destroyed – has already occurred with this much time having passed, in that case, the flock needs to go to new Eaglewing to take the trial of Avian Approval, find the last Majesty Star, and then find the Mighty Blade. While the flock does that, Mighty Eagle will search the Unified Realm until he finds whoever is responsible. The flock enter the ancient Enigma Ruins outside the Unified Realm to activate an ancient mechanism that will unveil New Eaglewing. Along the way, they discover that throughout the past, there has been groups identical to them who also worked under former Mighty Eagles. A great light on top of the ruins is activated, revealing New Eaglewing from the fog.

On New Eaglewing, now a bustling city inhabited by the eagles after their banishment. They manage to have an audience with the queen, seeing that they had been sent by Mighty Eagle, the queen permits Red undergo the trials, seeing potential in him to help the Mighty Eagle. Red gains the Avian Approval in Eagle Altar, meaning once he and his flock find the last Majesty Star, they will be able to pinpoint the blade of legend.

Sealing Spires and Long-Lost World (3rd visit)[]

Back on the mainland, the flock discover that the Sealing Spires are indeed all and that the massive hive city Chef Pig has been creating is beginning to take a rather tyrannical turn, has practically intentionally spread near the locations of the spire, and has some suspicious affiliation with the cultists, leading to the birds realizing that Chef Pig is the leader of these cultists. The birds return to Pig City – which has become a horrific hive city where the new castle sits upon – in an attempt to confront and shut down his plans, entering the castle. When they believe they have the new king cornered, they are met with opposition in the form of a comical amount of cultists and deadly weapons surrounding the flock. Chef Pig reveals that The Fearmonger will bestow upon him absolute power over all, he’ll remake the world into his personal paradise. He tells the birds to scram, lest he have them and every egg in the Unified Realm eviscerated. The flock are forced to leave and notice other birds fleeing hopelessly, trying to save their eggs. Enraged by the situation, the flock refuse to give up and seek out the last spire and Majesty Star.


They explore Fethrie and reach Loominbatal, a great citadel not yet found by the cultists where the last of the Sealing Spires stands, the Majesty Star being in it as well. The flock defeat the boss and grab the last star, but the background darkens and an ominous, familiar silhouette steals the star and ravages the tower, undoing the last of the seals on The Fearmonger. The flock are dumbfounded and receive a telepathic message from Mighty Eagle, he’s been taken away as well, locked in a wasteland beyond- the message is cut off, but the birds piece together that Mighty Eagle is further away in the sea outside of the Unified Realm.

Occult Perch[]

Their search leads them to Eldritch Edges, a dark sea blotted out by the smoke from Occult Perch, a volcano containing a wicked forge. The flock enter the volcanic forge and find Chef Pig as well as the captured Mighty Eagle and Majesty Star. Chef Pig tells them that he’s rather vexed by their persistence, but it doesn’t matter anyways, he’ll forge the Key to Fear and undo the lock on The Fearmonger, using the corrupted light of the star, Mighty Eagle’s feathers, and the dark metals and magic of the forge. The dark key is forged and Chef Pig cackles, but says that before he revels in the new world, he’ll see to the birds’ demise, with them fighting him and his Perfect Machine. He’s defeated, confused and angry at this occurrence, but leaves, reiterating that he’ll destroy them. Mighty Eagle recovers soon after, explaining that he was poisoned with a trapped sardine and then trapped in cursed chains, but he should have enough strength to undo the dark seal over the Majesty Star, allowing for it to be claimed and the Star Rune completed. Mighty Eagle is dropped off at New Eaglewings and the flock set out to Old Nesting Ruins, the location of the Mighty Blade. Within the ruins, Red duels the Sword Spirit, a reflection of whoever approaches the sword. It is defeated and Red claims the blade.

Final Showdown at Eagle Maw Ruins[]

After taking Mighty Blade, Red uses the blade to reveal a slingshot out of the ruins and to the Cobalt Train Station. The flock head to Bird Island, when suddenly the world around them begins to sink back into the depths again after being ruptured by large ravines. The tracks built on the crumbling landscape fall apart, leaving the Heroic Handcart/Engine stranded. The flock are forced to get off the vehicle and traverse the crumbling world in order to reach Bird Island, which is still standing. The flock reach the foot of Eagle Mountain. There, they find the Unified Realm’s counterpart to Eagle Altar, ruptured by a fissure.

Past the fissure is Eagle Maw Ruins, the volcanic interior of the mountain and prison of Fearmonger. The flock reach the bottom of the ruins where they find a pool of magma with shadowy shackles and chains on it. Chef Pig is down there too, he plunges The Key to Fear into the hellish lock in the center and the last chains are undone. The magma hardens, the miasma thickens, and The Fearmonger is freed from its chains for the first time in eons. Chef Pig commands the demon lord to destroy the remainder of the world for him and make him overlord of the new one, but The Fearmonger instead grabs Chef Pig and crushes him into a shadow before throwing it against the wall of the caldera. The Fearmonger calls Chef Pig foolish and arrogant for thinking he could command a deity of true power and announces that it will bring upon an age of tranquil, lifeless darkness forever. Red refuses and prepares for battle, when he's suddenly surrounded by eagle feathers and light as Mighty Blade begins reacting.

Red is transformed into the Mighty Majesty Knight, equipped with glistening armor with eagle feathers orbiting him at all times, and a battle against The Fearmonger ensues. The Fearmonger attempts to drown the flock in darkness, but Red prepares a finishing blow, spinning midair with Mighty Blade and turning into a dashing wheel of death. Red overpowers the demon's attempts to stop him and cuts through its chest. The Fearmonger laments its defeat, wishing misfortune and a painful demise upon the flock before petrifying. The cursed crystals lose their color and energy, pigs and birds around the world unite to rebel against the cultists, and King Pig reasserts himself as ruler, his first course of action being that the restored Chef Pig is fired and jailed for his crimes.

With the world saved (although still permanently unified), the Propagators of Fear banished, Chef Pig in prison, and the eggs safe once more, the birds rest at last…

...But of course that isn't the end. Is it?

The Betwixt[]

The next morning, the birds discover rifts, strange, hidden gaps in reality that seem to lead to a void of shattered landscapes and structures. A rift opens near their base and a mechanical arm reaches through, encasing the nest in a bubble before retreating into the void. The birds spot the perpetrator instantly, Hekto Porko, enacting his revenge after his artificial planets of brass where destroyed by a previous scuffle between the flock and pigs by stealing valuables across the Unified Realm and bringing them to The Betwixt. The birds give chase, entering the surreal dimension. They also meet an old friend who also seeks to stop Hekto...


The gameplay is pretty similar to your typical Angry Birds game, specifically 2, you fling birds at the enemies and their fortresses until the level is cleared. However, there are some differences:

  • Like in Angry Birds 2, you can choose your birds, but they're chosen in a similar fashion to Angry Birds Epic's HUD for starting a battle.
  • Birds have multiple uses, represented by their health, this health is a green, segmented wheel that decreases each time they're flung and subsequently hit an object. When a bird runs out of health, they're too battered too keep flinging themselves and stay near the slingshot, covered in bandages. Similarly to Epic and older Angry Birds games, having more health/uses at the end of a stage rewards you bonus points, 100 this time. Certain level gimmicks do not "hurt" the birds when it, like bouncy surfaces and certain switches or gimmicks, allowing them to be used a bit more, the latter in more complex stages.
  • It might have already been noticed that birds with health remaining only give 100 per segment left, enemies will also now give only 500 points when popped. While this sets a lower score bar for 3 stars, it also makes score-levels more difficult.
  • Zones return, but the golf-based scoring system does not.
  • There's no energy/life system, ads, or microtransactions in this game. look, it's long, why make it longer and throw monetization-colored paint at the easel while you're still drawing the most basic parts? The only purchase ever required is for downloading the game at all.

Alongside that are new gimmicks

  • All birds have multiple abilities, these abilities are accessed by equipping an item, whether they're in the form of an item like a piece of clothing or something else. Each item might have some variation of their ability. When enough star points are collected from completing levels and earning points, the ability can be upgraded once. Once the 2nd Act kicks off, they can be upgraded further.
  • Some enemies will attempt to directly stop the birds from damaging structures, when a bird is flung, they'll attack afterwards (some enemies will attempt to attack or defend themselves at all times though, like bosses) these can be deflected by a bird (sending the projectile back to the attacker or another target).
  • Many levels take place in ruins, which have unique gimmicks. The most notable are Mighty Feathers, which cause a bird to gain a special ability when passed through.


Name and Image Description and abilities
Red The leader of the Angry Birds of the current era.

“Here we go again…”

  • Default: Shouts his war cry like in 2.
    • +: Burning War Cry, causes minimal burn damage to materials that are flammable and pushes blocks with more force.
  • Blade: Slashes in front of him like in Star Wars, destroying wood and weaker materials, and then dealing slight damage to stone and higher.
    • +: Mighty Slash, the weapon slashes twice, dealing more damage and releasing crescent-shaped "rays" of energy.
  • Feathers: Lock-on Launch, Mighty Red acts like his Egg Defender incarnation, shooting to wherever the screen was tapped and dealing a bit more damage.
Chuck Clumsy, a bit self-centered, scatterbrained, and obsessed with the belief he's a kung fu master, but has well intentions, loyalty to his flock, and is good with wood.

“Chuck Time!”

  • Default: Speeds up, piercing wood blocks
    • +: Zap, Can speed to where the screen was tapped, like in Space.
  • Lightning Kick: Launches an electrically charged "kick" that travels wherever the screen is tapped while Chuck speeds up as normal.
    • +: Lightning Kick 2, 2 of these bolts are created, with the extra one homing in on enemies.
  • Feathers: Lightning Chuck, Strikes himself with lightning, then slices through the air once aimed.
Bomb Easy to startle, but a reliable pal whose blasts topple even the most durable brick towers.

“The best way to fix any problem is to just- KRABOOMPH!

  • Default: Explodes
    • +: KABOOM, The explosion has a bigger radius.
  • Gauntlet Punch: Sends a short-range firecracker-like punch in the direction tapped but doesn't explode himself. The punch's explosions act like 5 smaller Bombs.
    • +: Warhead Wallop, The punch has a longer radius and Bomb makes one last weaker explosion when he hits something.
  • Feathers: Shockwave Bomb, acts identical to his AB and ABS incarnation.
Eli Brave, creative, slightly starry-eyed, but highly reliable when it comes to an expedition in worlds unknown.

"Shoot for the moon! It's far, but I bet you'd probably make it."

  • Default: Shoots 3 star bullets that rebound off of crystals and metal. The stars can pierce glass and wood, but burst on impact with anything more durable then that.
    • +: Star Gunner, The stars deal more damage and 2 smaller are launched diagonally, homing into enemies.
  • Orbiter: Creates 2 stars that orbit around her, destroying objects nearby before exploding.
    • +: Supernova, An additional star forms and they all fly away from Eli when she hits something before exploding upon contact with anything.
  • Feathers: Bullet Time, time slows down to a crawl and the screen darkens around Eli, the player can freely shoot piercing stars at anything for 5 seconds, once bullet time ends, the transformation wears off.
The Blues Elusive and mischevious, but willing to channel their skills for the good of birdkind.

"*indistinct introductions*"

  • Default: Split into 3, shattering fragile materials
    • +: Illusion Split, Imagine the nest power-up from Angry Birds space, yeah. The smaller clones created have the same strength and pass through themselves and the originals before shattering soon after they enter corpse state.
  • Micro-Sling: The blues can now launch themselves individually in any direction as they fly, time slowing down so the player can aim.
    • +: Multi-Material, the triplets done headgear that allows them to pierce different materials better. Jay wears a football helmet with a horn affixed to it, piercing materials like stone, Jake wears a hockey mask with a circular saw haphazardly built onto it, cutting wood and similar materials more efficiently, and Jim wears a welding mask with bricks and hammers taped to it, shattering fragile and glass-like materials with ease.
  • Feathers: Infinite Army, The Blues multiply and turn into a massive ball before returning to the slingshot. This giant orb of children has more strength than Terence, being able to mow down stone and crater wood and glass-tier materials before bursting.
Ace An eagle determined to learn the secrets of his people and help the birds protect their eggs.

"Looks like you could use a helping wing."

  • Default: Ace is more of a power-up, he can join the roster, but doesn't take any space and cannot start a level by himself. When paired with a bird, he will attempt to fly while carrying the other bird with his talons, acting like a temporary Diamond Sling as they will shift into gliding after a while. This consumes his health like a regular bird. If he's the only bird left, he will panic and flee.
Matilda Encourages peace and meditation, but will not hesitate to give someone a beating if pushed too far.

“Deep. Breaths. Matilda…”

  • Default: Lays an explosive egg as per usual.
    • +: Fireball, Drops a fireball with a larger radius
  • Stress Ball: Matilda throws the ball instead of laying an egg and the ball bounces, dealing damage to any materials before bursting. The longer the player tap and holds on the screen, the more force the ball is thrown with.
    • +: Tension Bomb, the ball now explodes when it hits a surface, getting weaker every time it bursts until it gives one last explosion.
  • Feathers: Meteor, Matilda rockets off into the skies. The player can aim at any point on the stage to drop a single, devastating egg that can incinerate metal and most terrain, making it particularly useful if an enemy is hiding in an impenetrable fortress.
Ruby Red's sister, possesses just as short of a temper and as heroic of a heart as him.

"This is surprisingly genius."

  • Default: She is also similar to Ace in the way that she needs to be paired with another bird to be used, she appears with her brother to perform their ability (either Red needs to be in the current roster or the level’s predetermined mode will have both). The 2 perform a move that turns them into a spinning ball (think the Bros Wheel and Ball Hop from the M&L series or the Rolling Combo from Sonic), this ball will cut through obstacles weaker than stone and damage said material slightly. After a few seconds or the ball hits the ground/an uncuttable surface, the 2 separate, flying close to nearby enemies.
    • +: Red will be in Mighty Form, allowing the wheel to be aimed and only breaking after it lingers in place for a few moments.
Hal Aims to be as fierce and adventurous as his companions yet takes things easy from time to time, playing his banjo on calm nights.

"You fellers ever seen someone spin while playin'?"

  • Default: Moves like a boomerang, if he touches a green pole, he'll slow down and spin the other way, reversing his direction.
    • +: Spins faster when boomeranging, turning into a spinning disc of destruction that cuts through weak materials.
  • Banjo: Spins in place, scattering several spinning notes that orbit him, passing through and damaging structures before returning to Hal.
    • +: When the move ends, 3 more, larger notes are launched out
  • Mighty Ability: Whirlwind Dance, Hal creates a whirlwind around himself that first absorbs materials in, swirl them around, and then propels them upwards, like a more destructive version of the vortex egg and Melody's ability.
Stella Spunky and skilled, having spent time on Golden Island to perfect her ability to maneuver past any obstacle.

"And these ancient relics of gold we're looking for are safe, right?"

  • Default: Uses her Pink Flash ability from Angry Birds Stella
    • Stella can perform an additional ricochet, causing a pink shockwave when she hits the last surface.
  • Bubble Wand: Stella can go through, but does not damage structures. However, she leaves bubbles behind, trapping anything caught in them.
    • +: Bigger Bubbles: Stella creates bigger and longer bubbles that attempt to spread to and encompass other materials before they rise and pop.
  • Feathers: Mega Bubble, Stella blows a massive bubble with a crystalline surface, then kicks it to the desired area, the surface softens and the bubble traps entire structures in, jumbling them about before bursting the bubble as rubble homes in on enemies.
Silver Silver's incarnation carries features of both her early and current designs and personalities. She has her intellectual side Introduced in the 2nd movie and also has the slightly maniacal and mischievous tendencies of her Angry Birds 2 appearance, making her a literal mad scientist. She also utilizes her looping abilities and her creation of superstring. Her design takes inspiration from her unused movie designs, which look like her AB2 design, but have the brighter coloration and braids of her movie counterpart.

"If you thread together these 3 specific compounds- and you're already distracted. Ok then, long story short: it's science"

  • Default: Loops in the air before slamming into the ground, just like in her original debut.
    • +: The loop has more impact, slightly damaging every material and enemy in the shockwave radius and destroying the impact zone.
  • String: Lassos 3 nearby materials, enemies, or TNT boxes while looping, causing them to get violently swung when she loops.
    • +: More strings spawn

Feathers: Super String yank, Lassos several objects much like Stelleia's ability in Star Wars, but Silver yanks them aggressively and loops in the opposite direction she threw the string.

Terence A more powerful bird capable of smushing blocks and denting metal.


  • Terence has no default or secondary ability, his ability comes through his brute force.
  • Mighty Feathers: Glacial Drop, Terence becomes covered in ice and snow, bearing slight resemblance to Tony, also gaining Tony's ability to drop down vertically.
Ice Bird The cosmic cryokinetic returns, chasing down Hekto Porko after the fiend stole an eggstroid into The Betwixt. His design has been altered in this game, his facial features now being made of ice. He also emits a blue glow and has an aura of cold air. Dedicated to the protection of the eggstroids throughout the galaxy and known for having a pretty cold demanor, but once you get to know him, he's just as warm of a presence as the other birds.

"I advise you are careful, this realm is like a Zorgandotillion-piece puzzle."

  • Default: Behaves identical to his original and Reloaded appearances, freezing anything that he or his icy explosion touches.
    • +: FRO-ZOSH, His explosion radius increases and 4 snowflakes are created that ignore gravity as they travel cardinally from the impact site. When they hit a surface, they also explode and freeze objects.
  • Snowblast: Ice Bird spits out a large ball of pure ice that chills anything in its vicinity and explodes upon impact. As a side effect though, he exhausts his freezing power and will not explode nor freeze blocks.
    • +: Snowbeam, Ice Bird fires a beam of ice that ricochets off of 2 surfaces. He will still not explode, but will freeze anything he hits once more.
  • Mighty Feathers: Blizzard Blast, Ice Bird develops a more frosty and spiky appearance, resembling a smaller, angular Mighty eagle. Coincidentally, his ability is similar to the Space Eagle, tearing open a portal that howling gusts of ice can travel through, icing entire structures and turning lava into rock.

Equipment Types[]

On the level select screen, the player can look at their current flock and alter things about them, similarly to Epic. There is gear, which alters the birds' ability, and birdwear, which alters how the bird physically behaves (such as their weight, meaning they may start falling sooner or later, their strength on their own, and their speed) and may give certain gear extra strengths.

Accumulated star points are required to reach 2nd level on equipment. Despite being referred to as levels, they are treated more like “ranks”, with the additional available levels between 2 or 3 simply being a slightly more effective version of the current ability and represented by a decimal. (Lv. 1 → Lv. 1.1 → Lv. 1.2 → Lv. 1.3 → Lv. 1.4 → Lv. 1.5)

Bird Equipment Types and Descriptions
Red Gear
  • Blades: Red's battle cry is changed to the slash attack. Any weapon upgraded to "+" level gains Mighty Slash as their ability.
  • Charms: Augments Red's battle cry, Red's default ability is technically a charm.


  • Armor: Based on Red's Epic classes and armors, affect certain abilities. For example, the knight armor and any sword gain a bonus to the ability's damage.
Chuck Gear
  • Headbands: Technically clothing, change Chuck's ability to Lightning Kick. "+" level headbands gain their additional kick.
  • Stopwatches: Augment Chuck's default ability, as such, his regular ability is shown as one. "+" level watches gain Zap's directional control.


  • Training Mixtapes: Technically gear since they're holdable items. They alter Chuck's lightning kick ability and are named after different forms of martial arts.
  • Capes: Alter Chuck's speed up, being based on his Lazer Bird design's cape.
Bomb Gear
  • Gauntlets: Change Bomb's ability to the exploding punch. "+" level gauntlets gain a more powerful burst and Bomb will retain a bit of exploding energy.
  • Fuses: Augment Bomb's default ability, his default ability being considered one. "+" level fuses have a bigger radius and more strength.


  • Wicks: Alter either ability and take the form of a variety of headwear (usually based on his classes in Epic) with a visible fuse or some other explosive element on them. As they can be paired with both of his abilities, they have bonuses for both.
  • Globes: Tiny orreries of the solar system in glass spheres. They change Eli's ability to Orbiter form.
  • Star Blasters: A strange type of weapon that resembles a cross between a crossbow with a clarinet's body for a handle and a hair dryer with a what usually looks like the aforementioned globes attached to the dryer head part (technically, the default one looks like this), all other star blasters augment Eli's default ability.


  • Caps: Aviator caps or other headwear fitting for an adventurer. Augment globes.
  • Rounds: The contained starlight used by blasters, augment said weapon.
Hal Gear
  • Banjos: Change Hal's ability to using music to destroy.
  • Rotors: A variety of spinning objects, weather it's a pinwheel, a plane rotor, a model windmill, or a top. Augment and represent Hal's default ability.


  • Hats: Augment both banjos and rotors


Name Description
Coins Like in Star Wars 2, these are found in stages themselves and like Seasons, they can be earned by earning stars. 10 bonus coins are also earned every 1000 points gained.

They take the form of golden coins with different designs per region

  • Gold coins with a slingshot imprint in Central
  • Snoutling in Long-lost World
  • Small pyramid shapes in Iridescendian
  • Gold coins with a diamond hole in the middle, bound in a necklace-like string in Ornitho, based on their appearance in Evolution.
  • Golden runes in Glaciole
  • Gold coins with angular imprints of a human hand in Graspan.
  • Gold coins with casino chip patterns in Daynjer
  • Coins with eagle symbols imprinted on them in Ruined Ravine and New Eaglewing.
  • Gold coins with multicolored gems embedded in them in Fethrie
  • Uniquely, opal and ivory tokens with a cursed crystal center bearing Chef Pig's smug face in Pig City (2nd visit)
  • Coins with a molten center in Occult Perch.
  • Miniature golden eggs in Si'craet
Aquilanium Tokens A rare material and currency obtained from the ruins, The Betwixt, and Si'craet. In the former, 3 are in the 3rd star prize, 5 in the latter 2.
Power ups Can be brought from shops to make levels easier, but using them causes any stars not earned yet to be silver, which don't count towards overall completion and are tracked beneath regular stars. This exists to promote completing levels without them.
  • Bird Seed: A purple, enlarged seed that causes the bird to become larger and larger.
  • Sling Scope: Increases the distance of the aiming traceline all the way to the destination.
  • Birdquake: Rocks the level slightly, jostling structures and enemies.
  • King Sling: Empowers any bird flung from it by making them fly faster and harder.
  • Heal: A red, glowing heart that heals a chosen bird. They are also occasionally found naturally in certain levels to refresh a bird. Alongside these natural ones are larger ones with lighter colors within it that are placed by the slingshot, these large ones heal the entire flock's HP.
  • Mighty Red: A very rare power-up that cannot be found in stores, but sometimes scattered throughout the world in the form of 5 red feathers swirling around an orb. Red sits on the slingshot, regardless of if he is even present in the stage, and enters Mighty Form just for 5 uses.
  • Mighty Eagle: Always available to the player. Devastates a level with his power, but guarantees 3 silver stars, after being used 5 times, Mighty Eagle will take a break for an hour and cannot be summoned.
Golden Eggs A special object that when collected, etches a map into itself that reveals bonus levels!
Key Items
Slingshot A wooden slingshot. The birds' main method of attacking.

With each additional Majesty Star, the slingshot's body gains a stripe the same color as that Majesty Star's glow (golden yellow, light orange, peach, cream, orange, salmon, and white).

Heroic Handcart/Train A simple red, old handcart with an extra car used to hold the flock and the slingshot. The train is a red and grey locomotive with 3 cars, a coal car and a caboose in which the flock and the slingshot are held. Both are used to traverse the world.

The train acts as an upgrade to the handcart, unlocking fast travel once the 2nd region is unlocked.

Star Rune
Star Rune
A starburst-shaped stone covered in ancient marks and symbols with 7 star-shaped sockets on it. 6 going around in a circle and 1 larger one in the middle. It holds the Majesty Stars.
Majesty Star
Majesty Star
A giant, golden star pulsating with ancient star energy. They can be used to dispel cursed barriers, power ancient structures, and empower monsters. Their light, when used for evil, can also be used in powerful rituals. They appear when a boss is defeated, the mighty feathers surrounding that boss swirling into one spot as star energy gathers, a star appears in a flash of light!

The star is then grabbed by the flock on the overworld, above the boss level. A fanfare plays as the flock collect the star in their Star Rune. The fog over a new region will be dissolved by the light and the flock's rank increases.

Boat A simple boat, life ring, helm, anchor, name-painted on the side, and everything. Used to sail the seas.

Borrowed by the flock so they can go beyond the Unified Realm.

Avian Approval A mystical marker that the soul of its bearer is worthy to wield Mighty Blade.
Mighty Blade A brilliant blade imbued with the power to destroy Fearmonger, it was lost years ago unfortunately and has not been reforged perfectly since.
Airship An airship identical to the one seen in Angry Birds Epic, it is used to navigate The Betwixt.


New MM Map

The Unified World world map

The game is mainly set in the Unified Realm, the supercontinent created by the nearby regions merging into one. It is split into 10 areas, 9 of which are visited over the course of the game.

However, as The Betwixt exists, there are technically 19 areas.

The world map is represented by a diorama-style screen navigated in a way similar to a console game such as Mario Wonder but also has similar gimmicks to Epic’s world map. The player uses a digital joystick (mobile) or WASD/arrow keys (computer) to move the flock (represented by Red and 2 birds used most recently) around and interact with the world elements with a HUD button/E. There are various objects that populate the world, they each have a purpose and can be interacted with.

Name Description
Level A colored pad with a gear-shaped border surrounded by the elements from the landscape, when cleared, the gear elevates slightly and spins around and the stars earned will display over it. Each level has a unique name.

There are 5 types of stages in this game:

  • Regular Stages:
    • Free Roster: A level with the color of the Majesty Star in its region for its metallic gear-like border and numbered center pad, and then a small diorama (usually) resembling the level environment is seen surrounding it.
    • Fixed Roster: They look identical, although the central pad has a color wheel of a unique palette based on the birds that will be provided, for example, one stage might have a pad that's red, yellow, Light Blue, and bright red, meaning Red, Chuck, Eli, and Ruby will be used.
  • Special/Overlap Stages:
    • Ruins Stages: Ruins make up the majority of the diorama, similarly, the ruins are the main theme of the level itself. Mighty Feathers and other ancient gimmicks only appear in these stages.
    • Boss Stages: Can be either type, the only difference is that the level model is more extravagant/ornate and the diorama is designed for the boss area or the boss rather than a reusable level model.
    • Railroad Defense Stages: The diorama ring is a model train set with the handcart/train going around. They can also overlap with either of the main level types. They are a sort of “base defense” in which the birds must be strategically used to defend their mode of transport from obstacles until they reach the end.
    • Score Stages: A target with carnival lights going around its outer ring floats above the level. Like in Angry Birds 2, these levels do not end until a specific threshold (bronze, silver, or gold) is met, these are not common and most are optional.
Shop A small building on the world map with a speech bubble next to it that has items in it. The building looks different from area to area. In Green Tropics, the building is a hut much like the other buildings, Greedy Glutton's Paradise, it resembles a fancy building that matches the aesthetic of the other buildings, in Pig City (2nd visit) it is a cramped building in the dark plaza in the middle of the hive city. Piggy McCool also owns a store that can be accessed anytime on the menu, but only sells power-ups.

The player can obviously buy items from these places after collecting coins from completing levels.

Training Grounds Resembles the training Grounds from Epic, a dummy next to a building. Similarly, its style changes, resembling a scarecrow pig next to a hut in Bird Island and Hogfog Isle and resembling a wooden, and a woody bamboo-like punching bag next to a pagoda in Fethrie.

Birds and gear can be upgraded here.

Terrain Different kinds of terrain that the flock can use to move about the world once they have the means to.

Paths, they separate or chain together sets of levels. They also usually connect parts of the world together. They take the form of the ground or an artificial structure like a road, bridge, or staircase. The flock can walk (or hop) the distance.

Railways can only be crossed after the handcart is obtained. They also have a variant known as ancient rails, which only appear when completing ruin-based levels and help to connect the world together.

The sea outside of the Unified Realm is untraversable without a boat to sail on, while it isn't treated like a completely straight path like the former terrains and acts more like an open area, it still requires a certain method of travel.

The Betwixt is a broken world where large gaps, leaving a void full of asteroids, are highly common. The airship not only allows the flock to navigate the parallel world's void and landscapes, but fast-travel across it.

Slingshot A slingshot used to explore the world. It is used to go between areas cut off from each other by a river or gap.
Areas of interest A spot with a structure or NPC that can be interacted with, usually for story, optional quests, or a description/small talk that serves as a hint. A speech bubble with an exclamation point or question mark appears when these are approached.
Barrier/Roadblock An obstacle on the world map, like a pig fortress, a dense shroud, a mysterious enchanted structure, some ice, debris, etc that can appear along paths and in open areas. They prevent the flock from progressing, either by blocking areas off or concealing levels, but can be dispelled by completing a level or finding an item tied to that specific barrier, causing it to go away.
Rail Switch An ancient mechanism that, when used, causes ancient rails to rise from the ground. This creates short cuts and opens the way to new places.

Italics signify a special stage, Underlines signify Railroad Defense, and Bold signifies a boss stage

Image Description and levels
Separate from the world map, the birds' previous adventure to rescue their eggs and level the pigs' cities along the way.

Levels in total:

  1. Here We Go Again (Introduction to Red and basic mechanics): 3 zones
  2. Strengths and Weaknesses (Introduction to Chuck, The Blues, and Bomb as well as their usefullness against certain materials): 3 zones
  3. Saving The Eggs: Boss fight against King Pig
Bird Island’s location, the center of Unified Realm. The island connects almost all of the world together, and is quite diverse in terms of environments. The Eagle Mountain on the island has gotten way taller, and some report of a subtle miasma leaking out of it … out of the forbidden Eagle Maw Ruins. This area is revisited several times to unlock the 7 main regions of the game.
  • The Green Tropics are your typical starter level, no major gimmicks here.
  • Yellow Desert introduces Mini-Slings, small devices floating in air that catch a bird before launching them in a different direction, one variant is maually controlled, another is automatic. Both also refresh a bird's ability. Also introduced are objects in the background, certain mini-slings throw birds to another one in the background, with some interaction being required there, whether it be enemies or some level gimmick. These gimmicks appear for the rest of the game.
  • Blue Woods has fog that obscures structures heavily and features large pits below
  • White Mountains brings back bottomless pits and introduces snow piles. The peaks introduce gusts of wind.
  • Black Center introduces lava, which destroys anything, and heat vents, which throw birds upwards, acting identically to how they do in space, albeit with gravity now.
  • Violet Bog introduces poison water and portals.

Levels in total: 40

  • Theme 1 - Green Tropics: 3 (+2 secrets) - Entered to reach W1
    1. Researching Outpost
    2. Lush Eagle Ruins: (First ruins level and intro to Eagle Feathers)
    3. Foot of The Railways (Completing the level earns the player the Heroic Handcart): 2 zones
  • Theme 2 - Yellow Desert: 3 (+1 secret) - Entered to reach W2
    1. Mini-Slings! (introduces namesake mechanic and background areas): 3 zones
    2. Oriole Oasis: 3 zones
    3. A Familiar Pyramid: 3 zones
  • Theme 3 - Blue Woods: 3 (+1 secret) - Entered to reach W3
    1. Treehouse Hogs:
    2. Long Way Down:
  • Theme 4 - White Mountains (Slope): 3 (+1 secret) - Entered to reach W4
  • Theme 5 - White Mountains (Summit): 3 (+1 secret) - Entered to reach W5
  • Theme 6 - Black Center: 3 (+1 secret) - Entered to reach W6
  • Theme 7 - Violet Bog: 3 (+2 secrets) - Entered to reach W7
  • Theme 8 - Eagle Mountain: 5 - This area and the following area cannot be entered without the Mighty Blade.
  • Theme 9 - Eagle Mountain (Eagle Maw Ruins): 5
Long-lost World
What was formerly Piggy Island, Foggy Isle, and a few other areas. Now a lush and wondrous place full of forests, cascades, mountains, and ruins. This is the first proper world of the game after getting the handcart and completing Green Tropics.
  • Rollingmist Plateau doesn't introduce anything.
  • Limestone Lagoon introduces water as a gameplay element rather than a decoration and how birds and objects can interact with it
  • Slingshot Falls introduces collapsing bamboo and weight (water from a cascade falls onto something heavy like stone, causing it to crush anything beneath it if it's weaker.
  • Eggshell Tropics brings back water
  • Sunnyside Basin introduces sand and mud blocks as well as water switches, which change the water level.
  • Pig City has bottomless pits and introduces large materials, massive parts of structures that have triple their average health, as well as cursed crystals, which protect enemies until the birds destroy their power source.
  • King Pig's castle introduces Sword Feathers, which forcibly change Red into his knight outfit, although with lavender and silver colors, he has a wider slash (which can be performed until he enters corpse state) that can destroy Cursed Chains, new obstacles that take the form of dark chains made of crystals and act as supports for structures, similar to Darth Vader's role in Angry Birds Star Wars.
  • Old Nesting Grounds reintroduces Sword Feathers in the ruins as well as Ancient Chains, a golden-colored, more benevolent or neutral version of Cursed Chains.

Levels in total: TBA

  • Theme 1 - Hogfog Falls (Rollingmist Plateau): 7 Levels are required to move on
    1. Sparkling Mists (Introduction to Eli): 3 zones
    2. Cobalt Outpost: 3 zones
    3. Rocky Eagle Ruins (completion opens eagle gate barrier to next 3 levels): 3 zones
    4. Riverside Woods: 3 zones
    5. Woody Eagle Ruins: 1 zone
    6. Top of Rollingmist Pateau (Introduction to Terence): 4 zones
    7. Lagoon Eagle Ruins (Completion destroys fortress barrier blocking Limestone Lagoon area): 3 zones
    8. Score-a-thon! Misty Marathon: Stage will not end until a silver-tier score is achieved.
    9. Master of Materials: 3 zones
    10. Long-Lost Square Ruins: 4 zones
  • Theme 2 - Hogfog Falls (Limestone Lagoon): 4 Levels are required to move on
    1. Island-Hopping: 4 zones
    2. Desert Island: 3 zones
    3. Desert Island Eagle Ruins: 3 zones
    4. A Derailing Escapade (First railroad defense stage): 10 waves
    5. Deep Desert Ruins: 3 zones
    6. Porktuga: 5 zones
  • Theme 3 - Hogfog Falls (Slingshot Falls): 4 Levels are required to move on
    1. Birdhouse Town Eagle Ruins: 3 zones
    2. Water Falls: 3 zones
    3. Smoothie Stop: 3 zones
    4. Score-a-thon! Hogfog 2008th Annual Score-a-thon (Completion moves undergrowth barrier blocking Eggshell Coast area): Stage will not end until a bronze-tier score is obtained
    5. Rails Through The Falls: 10 waves
  • Theme 4 - Eggshell Coast (tropics): 10 Levels are required to move on
    1. Hightide Lowtide: 3 zones
    2. Crush The Sandcastle: 3 zones
    3. Coral Eagle Ruins: 4 zones
    4. Artificial Islands: 3 zones
    5. Cascading Eagle Ruins (Completion destroys the sandcastle dam blocking the other half of the area): 3 zones
    6. Pool Party!: 4 zones
    7. Pirate Pier: 3 zones
    8. Deep End Reef: 3 zones
    9. Arrr! Is for Railroad Rumble!: 10 waves
    10. Path To The Great Sand Lair: 3 zones
  • Theme 5 - Eggshell Coast (Sunnyside Basin): 5 Levels are required to move on
    1. Western Ramparts: 3 zones
    2. Southern Shipwrecks: 3 zones
    3. Northern Towers: 3 zones
    4. Eastern Citadel: 3 zones
    5. Crustaceous Colosseum (Locked until all 6 Yolkstones are obtained from the previous 4 stages): Boss fight against Grand Crab
  • Theme 6 - Pig City (First visit): 10 Levels are required to move on - This area and the one below are blocked until the player has 6 Majesty Stars, after completion, the player can chose to enter this version of the stage instead of Chef Pig's version)
    1. Over The City Walls: 2 zones
    2. Across The Rooftops: 3 zones
    3. Industrial District: 3 zones
    4. The Pigs Fight Back!: 12 waves
    5. Pig City Park: 3 zones
    6. Pig City Rises: 4 zones
    7. Runoff Pit: 2 zones
    8. Piggyland: 4 zones
    9. Pig City Eagle Ruins: 3 zones
    10. Infiltrating The Castle: 4 zones
  • Theme 7 - Pig City (King Pig's Castle): 5 Levels are required to move on
    1. Floor 1: 3 zones
    2. Floor 2: 3 zones
    3. Floor 3: 4 zones
    4. Floor 4: 4 zones
    5. The End/Vs Castle Gorgesnout: Boss fight against Castle Gorgesnout
  • Theme 8 - Pig City (Mégapole parfaite): 10 Levels are required to move on
  • Theme 8 - Old Nesting Grounds (Plains): 5 (+2 secrets) - This area and the one below are not accessible on the map until revealed by the 7th Majesty Star and Red's Avian Approval
  • Theme 9 - Old Nesting Grounds (Ruins): 5
The location of the arid parts of the former Island Egg, including the wastelands of Very-Far Valley and the sandstorm-choked badlands and buttes of Shrouded Canyon.
  • Very-Far Valley Wastes introduces wind and its interactions with birds, sand, and gravity.
  • Both town themes introduce rope-covered objects, which scatter about when the ropes tying them down are broken as well as bombfruits, which explode when broken.
  • Shrouded Canyon features sandstorms, a variation of fog (and technically the introduction of fog as well), and falling objects, background objects that topple into the foreground, background, or to the side if damaged enough. In this case, these objects are pillars and buttes.

Levels in total: 40

  • Theme 1 - Very-Far Valley (Wastes): 10 (+1 secret)
  • Theme 2 - Very-Far Valley (Town Day): 5 (+ 1 secret)
  • Theme 3 - Very-Far Valley (Town Night): 5 (+2 secrets)
  • Theme 4 - Shrouded Canyon (Badlands): 10 (+1 secret)
  • Theme 5 - Shrouded canyon (Old Arena): 5
A region with dark forests like those in Forebotha, high cliffs like the mysterious Rising Falls, and the entryway to Bouldercrest, the massive cavern, can be found.
  • Forebotha brings back fog from Blue Woods as well as water. The deep woods introduce lanterns, which ward of fog and darkness, and ghost blocks, which can only be destroyed by birds with magical abilities.
  • Rising Falls reintroduces Slingshot Falls gimmicks, but with the addition of fog.
  • Bouldercrest Reintroduces lanterns and introduces darkness, which is identical to fog, but thicker. Crystals are also introduced, reflecting magical attacks off of them. The city introduces refined crystals which toggle platforms to move. Both also feature rails, which carry any minecarts on them around, sometimes even between the foreground and background.

Levels in total: 45

  • Theme 1 - Forebotha (Woods): 7
  • Theme 2 - Forebotha (Deep Woods): 8 (+2 secrets)
  • Theme 3 - Rising Falls: 7 (+1 secret)
  • Theme 4 - Bouldercrest (Caverns): 8 (+2 secrets)
  • Theme 5 - Bouldercrest (Buried City): 10
A frozen region northwards where great glaciers like the Eternal Wastes and Icehorn, skyward mountains like Winding Range, deep, eerie swamps like Dark Bog, and the remains of a mysterious floating labyrinth lay…
  • Winding Range's coast and Glaciole Sea introduce freezing water for the first time, any birds or pigs in it freeze and materials wear down if not made of ice.
  • Winding Range Proper formally introduce strong gusts, a stronger variant of wind with enough force to blow a bird back or forth much like with the fans in Angry Birds Star Wars (but on a much bigger scale)
  • Dark Bog introduces the flowers from 2, which swallow obstacles before launching them. Fog and water are also brought back, with the water being more viscous in this area.
  • Icehorn introduces ice, which is slightly stronger than glass and prevents objects trapped within or covered in it from doing anything. Ice can be melted on contact with fire, Red (regardless of his equipped ability), Ruby (ditto), or shattered by damaging it. Unsteady ground is also introduced, collapsing if too much weight is on either side or the rock supporting it is damaged.
  • Swirling Labyrinths features bottomless pits, strong wind, and moving debris, which carry structures or mini-slings on them.

Levels in total: 57

  • Theme 1 - Winding Range (Coastal Cliffs): 7
  • Theme 2 Glaciole Sea: 8 (+2 levels)
  • Theme 3 - Winding Range (Main): 8 (+2 secrets)
  • Theme 4 - Dark Bog: 10 (+2 secrets)
  • Theme 5 - Icehorn: 10 (+1 secret)
  • Theme 6 - Swirling Labyrinth: 7
The alpine and chilly world directly south. There's more forests and cold deserts around the area than in Glaciole, such as Fogjaw and Great Sky Summit, but it eventually leads to what was once Graspan Mountain, which resembles a massive claw/hand reaching out.
  • Fogjaw fittingly brings back fog, it also reintroduces falling objects (pine trees this time). The peaks are not much different, aside from reintroducing wind and strong gusts.
  • Great Sky Summit brings back bottomless pits, strong gusts, a variant of falling object in the form of stone pillars, and ice. The underground is similar to Bouldercrest in terms of gimmicks.
  • Gleemur Ruins reintroduces reflective crystals and a new variant of refined crystal that multiplies magical attacks that go through it, sending it in 2 or 3 directions.

Levels in total: 57

  • Theme 1 - Fogjaw (Woods): 15 (+1 secret)
  • Theme 2 - Fogjaw (Misty peaks): 15 (+2 secrets)
  • Theme 3 - Great Sky Summit (Mountain pass): 7 (+3 secrets)
  • Theme 4 - Great Sky Summit (Underground): 7 (+1 secrets)
  • Theme 5 - Gleemur Ruins: 6
Another region with a bit of deserts, but there are also jungles, and the most dangerous city in all of the Unified Realm … Maltropolis. There also are unfinished railways throughout the region meant to connect the area. It is said that an airborne paradise is located somewhere in the sky where the revered Harold Hog will yet again performing.
  • The Great Cliffs brings back heat vents from Black Center. The oasis brings back water and spitting flowers, and the cliffs reintroduce unsteady ground.
  • Eerie Isle reintroduces the previous gimmicks as well as falling objects (purple and red leaved mangroves this time) and introduces fire, which burns everything it touches unless it's nonflammable or extinguishes it.
  • Maltropolis introduces bullet train rails, which are indestructible and can be toggled to change route, when a train comes speeding through, anything in the way gets pulverized. Bottomless pits, and reflective crystals are introduced. Magnetism is also introduced, with magnets being able to pull any magnetic material towards them.
  • Greedy Glutton's Paradise brings back falling objects (ornate pillars and statues), water, reflective crystals, rope-tied objects, and fire. Fountains are also introduced, jets of water that shoot out from pools in the area, propelling any bird caught in them.

Levels in total: 70

  • Theme 1 - Great Cliffs (Expanse): 5 (+1 secret)
  • Theme 2 Great Cliffs (Oasis): 2
  • Theme 3 - Great Cliffs (Cliffs): 8 (+1 secret)
  • Theme 4 - Eerie Isle: 15 (+2 secret)
  • Theme 5 - Maltropolis: 20 (+2 secret)
  • Theme 6 - Greedy Glutton's Paradise: 9 (+2 secrets)
  • Theme 7 - Greedy Glutton's Paradise (Center Stage): 3
A exotic and distant region full of the most mysterious of the former Island Egg’s locations, the colorful and tasty landscape of Pt. Gustatopia, the painted mountains of Forlorn Mesa, the exotic landscape of Wunderwilds, and the mountainous ridge of Loominbatal. It also is the site of some of the least studied of the ruins.
  • Gustopia reintroduces falling objects (food pillars) and multiplying crystals. The coasts feature water, with stages that have ice cream in the background having frozen water.
  • Fethrie lake also features water and fountains as well as railways.
  • Forlorn Mesa features wind and spitting flowers, it also reintroduces Violet Bog's main gimmicks. Poison water, which is a deadlier version of cold water, completely destroying wood-tier or weaker materials (except glass) rather than weakening them, poisoning enemies without immunity to it, and instantly corpsing a bird as if they flew through lava.
  • Wunderwilds brings back poison water and railways as well as fog, bombfruit, and platform toggling crystals.
  • Loominbatal brings back bottomless pits, all crystal variants, and introduces beams of light, which must be shone into a new type of white crystal.

Levels in total: 62

  • Theme 1 - Pt. Gustopia (Spires): 7 (+2 secrets)
  • Theme 2 - Pt. Gustopia (Coasts): 8
  • Theme 2 - Fethrie Lake: 5 (+2 secrets)
  • Theme 3 - Forlorn Mesa: 16 (+1 secret)
  • Theme 4 - Wunderwilds: 14 (+2 secrets)
  • Theme 5 - Loominbatal: 5
Beyond the Unified World
Past an opening is the exit from the Unified Realm/Island Egg, which leads to the forgotten Enigma Ruins, the Ruined Ravine littered with ancient eagle creations, and the icy continent of New Eaglewing. Past all of this another, darker place…
  • Ruined Ravine brings back unsteady ground, falling objects (natural monoliths and ancient pillars), wind, water, and reflective/multiplying/toggling crystals. The mysterious ruins only have the crystals, magnetism, and darkness.
  • Enigma Ruins introduces fog, blue fire (same as regular fire but spreads faster and can interact with crystals), and a new form of crystal that enlarges or shrinks any magic that travels through, magenta ones increasing size and mint ones decreasing it.
  • New Eaglewing's outskirts features ice and snow, wind and strong gusts, frozen water, falling objects (frosty pines). The Eagle Altar has fog and all types of crystals.

Levels in total: 50

  • Theme 1 - Ruined Ravine: 10 (+4 secrets)
  • Theme 2 - Ruined Ravine (Mysterious Ruins): 5
  • Theme 3 - Enigma Ruins: 15 (+2 secrets)
  • Theme 4 - New Eaglewing (Wilds): 7 (+ 4 secrets)
  • Theme 5 - New Eaglewing (Eagle Altar): 3
Occult Perch/Eldritch Edges
An ominous, dark and stormy region where the vile namesake wasteland can be found, the ruins within its towering volcano are essentially a horrific corruption of Eagle Forge back on Bird Island, being where The Key to Fear is to be crafted using the power of stars and mighty energy for evil. Only that twisted and warped light can free the Fearmonger...
  • The Wastes bring back fire,
  • The Volcano reintroduces lava, and The Forge reintroduces railways, rope-tied objects, all crystal variants, Sword Feathers, and Cursed Chains. Also introduced are forge machines, various machines that can smash, burn, or otherwise destroy anything in their way when triggered by crystals. The Culmination chamber is the same.

Levels in total: 25

  • Occult Perch (Wastes): 5 (+1 secret)
  • Occult Perch (Volcano Base): 2
  • Occult Perch (Forge): 13 (+2 secrets)
  • Occult Perch (Culmination Chamber): 3
A beautiful, floating region with golden glades where the Divine Spire can be found. The spire is a massive, glimmering tower that contains the game's hardest levels, each floor having a theme based on the Unified Realm's diverse themes.
  • The Golden Glades contain the hardest of the golden eggs, which are unlocked when a region is 3 starred, they're not mandatory.

Levels in total: 80

  • Theme 0/Theme "Egg" - Golden Glades: 21 (2 hidden golden eggs and one rewarded for 3-starring all levels in a region)
  1. Long-Lost
    1. Ancient Waterworks
    2. Coastline Plaza
    3. Great Golden Tree
  2. Iridescendian
    1. Desert Shroud
    2. Golden Dunes
    3. Pyramidal
  3. Ornitho
    1. Golden Firefly Forest
    2. Mine n' Dine
    3. Buried Manor
  4. Glaciole
    1. Ski Loft
    2. Golden Glacier
    3. The Dig Site
  5. Graspan
  6. Daynjer
  7. Fethrie
  • Theme 1 - F1 (Lost Floor): 10
  • Theme 2 - F2 (Iridescent Floor): 10
  • Theme 3 - F3 (Ominous Floor): 10
  • Theme 4 - F4 (Glacial): 10
  • Theme 5 - F5 (Grasping): 10
  • Theme 6 - F6 (Dangerous): 10
  • Theme 7 - F7 (Mysterious): 10
  • Theme 8 - APEX: 3
"Dungeon" (name to be changed to something cooler maybe)
A mysterious subarea that will disappear once the quest associated is finished (by talking to the one who gave the quest). As such, 3-starring them is not at all mandatory.
  • These subareas use the theme of the region they're encountered in.

Levels in total: Varies

The Betwixt
A shattered and eerie version of the world comparable to the Mirror Worlds in Space. Similarly, it is a harder version of the game, each zone accessible after every level in a region has been cleared once.
  • All themes, except for Si'craet, which has no counterpart, are reused, but their levels now take place in a void, shattered land and structures filling the void, the placement of the slingshot, structures, and certain objects from a level now changed to increase the difficulty. Similarly to Space, gravitational fields exist in this world, but only to hold objects down to the "planetoids" and other terrain debris, they also come in unique shapes instead of only circles this time. Outside of these fields, things float just like in Space and can drift into deadly ancient fog.

Levels in total: Yes

Adventures Await!
The level editor. Comes with practically everything you need, from materials, to environmental graphics, enemies, allies, etc.

The player can either browse for levels or start a Mario Maker-esque challenge in which they follow an ancient map of player made levels until they reach the top level.

There are also premade bonus levels in a similar vein to Pig Days from Seasons, also set on an old map, many of these levels are based on previous Angry Birds games.

Materials & Objects[]

The elements that fill levels.

Glass A very brittle material with a few variants: typical, desert, and stained.
Wood An average material that has several variants: typical, boreal, and charred. The most common material, known for its moderate strength, flammability, and its usually orange/ochre color.
Stone A tough material with a few variants, usually with or without runes and having a different color and texture depending on the region the player is in (Eggshell Coast, Iridescendian, and Daynjer using sandstone for example). Known to be durable yet weak to all manner of explosives or crushing objects.
Sand/Hay/Snow/Candy/Cloud The weakest materials. Hay, snow, and candy are weak to fire, sand is weak to being crushed, and cloud can hold up objects.
Mud A slightly tougher variant of sand, stronger than it, but weaker than glass.
Ice A material slightly stronger than glass that comes in more jagged shapes and can stop objects inside from doing anything, enemies cannot use any tricks, tnt won't explode until freed, and any bird frozen by some means are treated as if they're corpsed.
Ghost A block only magic can harm, levitates and can support physical structures.
Crystalline Made out of different colors of crystal, but behaves like reflective crystal.
Steel Unbreakable unless melted by lava, crushed by falling objects, or destroyed by a very big explosion.
TNT Explody box go boom
Mighty Feathers
Mighty Feathers


5 feathers orbiting in a CIRCLE. They emit an aura of wind, a dark blue glow, and afterimages as they move. A bird that flies through them enters a different form depending on the type:
  • Mighty: Turn the lead bird into their Mighty Form, allowing them to use their ability before reverting back to normal. They're initially greyish-lavender but will take on their bonded bird's coloration.
  • Sword: Will bond to Red and Red only. Resemble swords in appearance and are brown, turning red and purple upon being grabbed. Only appear during Pig City's, Old Nesting Ruins, and The Betwixt. Make his blade strong enough to destroy Cursed Chains and metal.
Mini-sling Sit on surfaces or float in mid air, yellow and blue ones are manually controlled, red and orange ones are automatic. They have a rubber and plastic appearance in normal areas, but are made of stone with the colors patterned on them in the ruins.
Water Liquid that can fill the bottom of the stage or pools all over it. Cold water damages things slightly and freezes them.
Valve/Water Switch A blue and grey helm-shaped valve with a life ring on its center. If hit by a bird, the switch glows, that bird are returned to the slingshot without losing any health and the water level alters.
Fog and Darkness Obscure the screen, fog has 2 variants:
  • Light: Whispy and cloudy, covers portions of the stage and can be destroyed by a bird flying through.
  • Heavy: Thicker and cloudier
Ancient Fog A special, sparkling, colored shroud that seems almost ... hungry, seen trying to cover objects that are passing into it. Anything living that enters it will be destroyed, materials wear down, and interactables cease functionality. They're found only in the ruins and The Betwixt.
Frost Covers interactive objects and needs to be melted so that object can function.
Gears Large spinning wheels in the foreground, where they can be damaged and are physical objects, or in the background (placed between foreground and background if both are being interacted with sometimes). Cause things to happen, carry structures, and generally do exactly what a giant gear might do in this game. They notably interact with the aforementioned frost.
Fire A ravenous force of nature. Spreads to any flammable materials and eventually destroys them outright or turns them into brittle charcoal/ash.
Lava Similar to water, but more viscous and burns anything in it instantly.
Falling object An object that crashes to the side or in the background or foreground depending on either where it tilts or what side of the supports are destroyed. It comes in several variants: pillars (natural or man-made), statues, and several species of trees. These variants also may have different sizes.
Ancient Crystals A spiky crystal formation with a few different variations.

Reflective: Light blue crystals that usually grow at a slanted angle, if a magical attack, like star bullets, hit it, they bounce off, similarly to the interaction between lasers and iron in Star Wars.

Multiplying: A lavender crystal that forms with 2-3 crystals pointing in different directions. Any magical attack sent through is copied by the crystal and shot out of these points.

Cursed/Golden: A dark red and black (cursed)/white and gold variant that form barriers or chains. They are toggled by refined toggle crystals.

Amplifying/Nullifying: Magenta (amplifying) and mint (nullifying) crystals that grow and shrink magical attacks sent through them respectively.

Refined Crystals A chunk of crystal with runes on its surface attached to an ancient, mechanical base resembling an egg holder. It has 2 variants:

Toggle: A green or dark red and black variant, either interact with whatever device shares a color with their base’s patterns. The evil variant only appears in Pig City and Occult Perch respectively.

Light-sensitive: A white variant that activates when light beams hit it.

Acid Behaves like water, but burns anything that falls in, practically just a slower and non-fiery version of lava.
Forge machines Powered by refined crystals and sometimes manned by the labor of Occult Perch, these devices can aid the flock in destroying structures.
  • Smasher: Can crush anything beneath them to a fine dust.
  • Drill: Can destroy terrain if it makes contact with it.
  • Furnace: Sears anything on top of them with vile fires when activated.
  • Cauldron: Contains and can dump out molten metal if disturbed
Gravity Field A unique radius around terrain in The Betwixt that forces objects to stay on the ground, denoted by light-colored, transparent waves and a thin, sparkling boundary between its area of influence the void


Enemy/Type name Description
Main types - Determines the characteristics of an enemy.
Retaliator An enemy that can attempt to, as their name suggests, retaliate. This may be in the form of targeting the slingshot (ending the stage instantly if the slingshot is destroyed) or trying to deflect a bird, wasting a use from that bird.
Toughie An enemy with more health
Ironclad An enemy that can only be damaged by strong birds or structure debris. Any bird's Mighty ability or Red's Sword Feather form can also bypass their shield.
Dodgy An enemy that can only be damaged by indirect damage from a bird, like a structure collapsing under or an explosion. Direct attacks or falling debris cause them to poof somewhere else, but they can be defeated directly if they have nowhere left to go.
Undead Return after being defeated if a few turns go by and there are still other enemies left.
Special An enemy that has special abilities and conditions that affect the level...
Enemy List
Piggy Kingdom - Age old foes out to discover the properties of the ruins and their technology before the birds can foil their next plans.
Minion pig A simpleton with a very simple purpose: sit around in a fortress. They are the first and weakest enemy. They usually don't attack, but will retaliate if they have a weapon of some kind. They vary in size sometimes, which affects their health and hitbox, but cannot be larger than a fat pig.
Helmet pig A pig with a metal helmet, making them immune to anything weaker than stone and small and thin like a typical piece of wood from crushing them, brick shaped materials or stone and higher will still crush them.
Foremen Significantly stronger than minion pigs but considered more important due to overseeing them, seeing as they get the more fortified structures
Fat pig The strongest pig type, but the one that tends to be very exposed due to their large size. They are more durable than their Space iterations, being able to survive a fall and a few bricks.
Necromancer A ghastly, masked pig that is capable of raising the dead. They mark random or preset pigs to revive by placing a red skull above them, dark red smoke emits from these cursed pigs. If the necromancer is defeated, they leave behind their mask and headdress in a pile of ash, reviving after 8 turns.
Zombie pig A gruesome, rotting corpse denoted by the absence of their pupils, visible injuries, and their desaturated hue. They are identical to whatever enemy they used to be, although with lower health. They however, revive every 3 turns if any enemy remains.
Armored A pig that wears armor, causing any weak attacks to bounce right off.
Ninja The main enemy of the dodgy type, a pig dressed in a black suit with a belt tied around their forehead similarly to the ninja pigs of Angry Birds Stella.
Copyhogs A pig dressed in a crude bird costume sitting on a trebuchet manned by 2 others (although a replacement always jumps onto the trebuchet once it launches one), they attempt to aim for any bird in their vicinity by copying the ability of the bird used previously. Destroying the trebuchet defeats the 2 controllers and stops another pig from going onto the trebuchet.
Propagators of Fear - Mysterious, hooded followers of The Fearmonger and Chef Pig, who are devoted to restore the being. They replace pigs as enemies in part 2.
Congregant A mysterious enemy donning a burgundy hood, making their faces and any identifying features, like a snout or beak, unknowable, the only clues on who they are being ominous whispers, grunts, chants. They're led by some mysterious force and are working with someone… They are identical to minion pigs in behavior.
Crystal Cultist A congregant with a necklace of cursed crystals. As such, they can take advantage of their dark shields, but can only use them after a bird has been flung. They chose random enemies to shield.
Drained Ragged and deformed figures hidden under equally damaged hoods. They are known for their unique ability to sink through structures as a black goo in order to escape direct attack, provided there is somewhere beneath them to sink to.
Zealot An unholy mixture of the crystal cultist and a necromancer, wearing a patterned hood, a necklace of cursed crystals and bones, and surrounded by mighty feathers. They revive after 5 turns and can retaliate with dark magic vortexes thanks to those feathers. Defeating them frees the feathers, allowing them to be used.
Sacrificed An undead propagator. They resemble the Drained but smoke emits from beneath their hoods, they visibly twitch, no longer make sound, and they develop a single, glowing eye. Identical to a zombie pig.
Illusionist A cultist with a patterned robe and scepter with the ability to dodge, doing this in a special way by blowing a smoke bomb over themself and creating 2-3 false clones. The real one always has a pointed hood.
Prophet An elite cultist, denoted by their larger size, crystal crowns attached to the front of their decorated hoods, and their necklaces similar to zealots. They act as a miniboss and have the ability to teleport as well as shield themselves. They also possess the ability to make structures float while they’re still alive.
Tools Hooded, ragged miners who slave away in the forge of Occult Perch, despite their situation, they remain loyal to The Fearmonger and will attack the flock with their tools.

Their time in the fiery forge has rendered them resistant to flames, but not to lava.

??? Unknown entities that inhabit Ruined Ravine, New Eaglewing, and Old Nesting Ruins, acting as the targets.
Security Presence A crystal ball with a ghostly light emanating from it. They are identical to minion pigs and congregants in behavior.
Conduit Identical to the one above, but has a bigger base with the same gem as a refined crystal rather than an orb. It acts like a Zealot in terms of behavior.
Boss - An enemy that has a health bar and may use some tricks up its sleeve.
Grand Crab of Sunnyside Basin A massive, rampaging crab monster influenced by star energy, mutating and growing a massive claw. The beast hides out inside of a basin encircled by sandcastle ramparts. It destroys a pig fortress when encountered, but its hostility ends up starting a fight against the flock.
The Boar Beast of Old Arena An ancient monster locked inside of the Old Arena in the form of a slumbering boulder. Upon being awoken by the Grand Quake, it has created a sandy shroud over Old Arena and parts of Iridescendian. It's as strong as it is tall and tries to block incoming birds by throwing chunks of ruins and sandstone.
Monolithesis of Silent Square A monolith in the center of the city in Rockbelly and a miniboss, designed to attack intruders.
Sorrowstars of Buried Observatory A mangled and mutated eagle sorcerer and astronomer who had made himself immortal, but at the cost of his body retaining shape. He uses the mighty feathers and star energy to maintain his spell and attacks the flock, eventually giving up once defeated and allowing himself to pass on, relinquishing the Majesty Star.
Great Ship of Glaciole Sea A great ship terrorizing the arctic seas, defeating it is required to explore Icehorn and other regions.
Wayward Titan of Swirling Labyrinth An ancient machine with the power of winds that lies in the center of Winding Labyrinth. It has been twisted by the pure star energy and rendered mad, creating a horrifying whirlwind around the labyrinth and other places across Glaciole upon reactivation.
Diamond Doom of Gleemur Temple A crystalline wyrm that resides in the reflective ruins of Gleemur Temple. Its glistening shell and icy breath make it a dangerous foe that holds a star within its chilly heart.
Flameride Gang of Maltropolis A group of biker thugs from Maltropolis who try to steal the Star Rune from the birds and drive off after promising to know how to reach Greedy Glutton's Paradise, prompting a chase in which the flock take chase riding the handcart on the city's train rails.
Harold Hog of Greedy Glutton's Paradise The most popular performer in the city. He's a smooth and slick fellow with dark powers and mysterious stunts. He holds the Majesty Star in his hat to make his performances the most majestic ones of the century and possibly ever in history. His magic allows him to mess with the birds in battle, changing where they and the slingshot are, forcing certain birds to dance, rendering them useless, and creating illusionary structures.
Castle Gorgesnout of Pig City King Pig fused with his own castle by cursed chains, creating a mechanical colossus that the flock must fight.
Ancient Assailant of The Ruins of Anticipation A mysterious, horrific beast that stalks through the ruins, avoiding the flock’s sight and preying on them, attempting to stab, skewer, and tear into them with its tapered appendages. It finally shows itself in the bottom of the ruins' heart, guarding the Majesty Star.
Guardian Flame of Loominbatal Spire A glaring phoenix-angel of eldritch terror that guards the final Majesty Star, only allowing those who can beat it to claim the great star.
Chef Pig of Occult Perch Forge The devious chef's weapon of mass destruction, designed to efficiently wipe out those who oppose his plans. A UFO-like device with several forms based on different elements and birds, as such, his stage is one of the few that has all birds active on the roster. Different abilities are recommended in this fight.
  • Earth: The machine glows green and begins lifting up debris before chucking it at the slingshot to destroy it or stop an incoming bird. Bomb, Ruby, or Hal's banjo are needed to remove the debris so other birds can damage Chef Pig.
  • Electric: The machine glows yellow and begins darting around the room, launching lightning-infused hoops around. Chuck is unaffected by lightning when his ability is active, making him useful in damaging Chef Pig.
  • Ice: The machine glows cyan and begins spewing icy mist and creates icy, floating spikes in the air. The blue's micro-sling ability can be used to have one shatter a spike so the other(s) can damage Chef Pig.
  • Trickster: Chef pig shifts the cockpit of the machine underneath and begins to spew bombs all over the top portion of the level, Matilda is recommended here since the egg would send her flying into Chef Pig.
  • Magic: Chef pig seals himself in a dome that only magical attacks can damage, making any bird, such as Eli, who's attacks are considered magic, the only way to reveal him.
  • Cursed: Chef Pig protects himself with a cursed crystal shield and begins shooting a ray from the bottom of his weapon into the lava below, causing it to become superheated and rise slwoly, Red can acquire sword feathers and slice through the shield, automatically slashing Chef Pig once inside. This is the last form the machine will take before its dfeat
Sword Spirit of Old Nesting Grounds Ruins A facsimile of Red, donning ancient eagle headgear and an axe and sword, created to test his worthiness of the blade. When challenged, Red's ability is forced to be sword and his health will only lower if attacked by the spirit; signified by the health wheel becoming red. The Sword Spirit has several attack patterns, whether it chases after Red on the several slingshots scattered around the stage, tries to throw debris at him or create obstructions, or launches a glowing slash towards Red's slingshot.
The Fearmonger of Eagle Maw Ruins
Creatures/Critters - Other animals that aren't antagonistic but interact with the level
Crooked Crab A creature from eggshell coast resembling a cross between a fiddler and hermit crab with a sand castle for a shell. They either sit still or walk in a predetermined route, carrying items on their backs or in their claws. If they're pacing around a level with a TNT crate in one claw, it can be strategic to hit the crate when it walks near a fortress.

When damaged, they dig into the ground temporarily.

Gallery Thing[]


The birds collecting a Majesty Star (the blues would be in this image, I was just lazy and didn't have any sprites, speaking of lazy, I also haven't fixed the beaks since I made these sprites :(
