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White Exclamation Predicting the Future
Angry Birds Reborn now exists in the official Angry Birds series as Angry Birds Reloaded, but this page was made before on March 23, 2020
White Exclamation

Angry Birds Reborn is a dedicated sequel to the original game that was released on July 10th, 2021. The game follows 5 birds who are trying to get vengeance from the pigs. Upon release, the game only had 3 episodes but saw a massive spike in popularity for Rovio in general after years of losing fans.

After a development break, Angry Birds Reborn received update 2.0, which added the first episode of Season 2, making Reborn the second game to have seasons, the first being Angry Birds Seasons.


Season 1[]


The first episode of the game Scrambled!, has 42 levels across two pages. The Pigs decide to steal three Eggs so that the King Pig can eat them, but Red catches them in the act and rallies the rest of the flock to conduct an attack on the pigs' fortresses. The episode features only Red, Chuck, and the Blues, although Bomb and Matilda appear in the cutscenes seen in-between the boss levels.

Corn Clash[]

The second episode of the game, Corn Clash, has 63 levels spread across 3 pages and requires you to finish Scrambled! to unlock it. After their previous failed attempt in the first episode, the Pigs decide to hide in Matilda's garden disguised as various vegetables alongside the Eggs. However, Jay blows their cover and convinces the birds to attack any mysterious structures. This episode features 5 birds: Matilda, Bomb, Red, Chuck, and the Blues.

Piggy Showdown[]

The third episode, Piggy Showdown, consists of 30 levels across 2 pages and requires you to finish Corn Clash to unlock. After many attempts to grab lunch for themselves, the pigs decide to improvise by building fancy weapons to fight back against the birds. Once these weapons are crafted, they steal the eggs once again, but the birds have their ways of avoiding the weapons. This episode features 5 birds: Matilda, Bomb, Red, Chuck, and the Blues.

Differences to the other episodes[]
  • Level 30 isn't any ordinary level, it has you fighting a huge pig, named Supa-Pig, he takes two hits to squash. He is subsequently the only pig on the playing field, surrounded by stone structures.
  • The Pigs have weapons that allow them to fight back! You will have to be more strategic when aiming and firing to squash them all.

The Pig Outbreak[]

The fourth episode, The Pig Outbreak, has 30 levels, across 2 pages, and requires you to finish Piggy Showdown to unlock. After their 3rd plan was foiled, the Pigs were getting desperate. They lost their sophisticated weapons, so now what? They decided they were going to steal the Eggs - and the birds! They didn't realize, however, a sixth bird was nearby; Terence. This episode features 2 birds, Chuck and Terence, but you can see Red and The Blues in cages in Level 30.

Differences to the other episodes[]
  • The birds have been captured! You have to unlock Chuck (in level 12) to use him in this episode, but the rest is behind bars until the end.

Blue Moon[]

The fifth episode, Blue Moon, has 63 levels, across 3 pages, and requires you to finish The Pig Outbreak to unlock. When the Birds foiled their Pork-demic, a pig gets a plan. A device that allows them to see the Birds from far away - and through walls! The only problem, however, they couldn't see any blue birds; this didn't bother them, though. This episode features 2 birds, The Blues and Morris.

Logging Lollies[]

The sixth episode, Logging Lollies, has 45 levels, across 2 chapters and requires you to finish Blue Moon to unlock. The pigs are taking a break from stealing the eggs and are aiming at a new location called Sweet Tooth Plains named because lollipop trees grow there and have jelly beans grow from their branches so they set out and log the lollipop trees and collect the beans. But what they didn’t know was that two birds live there Hal and Bubbles, who then team up to stop the pigs. This episode features 2 birds, Hal, and Bubbles.

Differences to the other episodes[]
  • Though basic pigs are in this episode another type of pig called chainsaw pig has chainsaws that they will throw at you and instantly poof your bird.
  • Level 45 has you fight a chopping machine which that the pigs throw the lollipop heads in and turns them into mini lollipops. The machine will throw stalks at you blocking your hit so you have to time the attack. The machine needs four hits to take down.

Operation Porkbelly[]

The seventh episode, Operation Porkbelly, has 45 levels, across 3 pages. You have to finish Logging Lollies to play it, however. After their attempt on chopping down exotic trees, the pigs are getting desperate. Since the pigs tried to tear down their homes, Hal and Bubbles met the rest of the Flock, who were telling them tales about the pigs stealing their eggs, when they did exactly that! This episode features all 9 birds, listed below.

Love Doves[]

In the eighth episode, Love Doves has 65 levels, across 3 pages. You have to finish Operation Porkbelly to play it, however. Two new birds have joined the flock, Ruby and Stella! Red has a crush on Ruby and Chuck has a crush on Stella. While trying to woo the two hens, they forgot to watch the eggs and the pigs steal them, getting away in flying wood planes. Now it’s up to Red, Chuck, Ruby, and Stella to save the eggs!

Differences to the other episodes[]
  • There are planes at the end of each chapter that carries one egg that you have to take down but has to avoid chainsaw pigs.
  • The episode does show the Birds and the Pigs going against each other, but was made to celebrate Valentine's Day 2022, and thus, is not canonical to Season 1's story.

The Last Chop[]

The ninth episode, The Last Chop, has 63 levels, across 3 pages, and is the final episode in the canonical Season 1 storyline. You must finish Operation Porkbelly to play it, and can skip Love Doves if you'd like. The Birds are getting restless, and with their new friends, Ruby and Stella, from the last episode, they are well equipped to fight the Pigs again, as they discuss their plans upon a Pig stealing the Eggs, the Pigs steal the Eggs! Upon completing this episode, you gain access to Season 2.

Season 2[]


The first episode, Piga-Dilly, has 45 levels, across 3 pages. You have to finish Season 1 to play this episode. A few years after The Last Chop, the first egg starts to hatch, but as it's doing so, the Pigs steal the hatching egg, and the other two! Now it's up to the Birds to retrieve their offspring in the first episode of Season 2! This episode features all 11 birds, seen below.

Pigs can fly![]

The second episode "Pigs can fly!", has 67 levels, across 3 pages. You have to finish Piga Dilly to play this episode. The pigs have actually been plotting something all these years...building a superweapon that can destroy the birds!! But there's one problem they need a power source a mega source a...Eggsteroid.So the pigs go to space to get the Eggsteroid but little did they know three birds were watching it THE EXTRATERRESTRIAL TRIO!!! Already fighting alien pigs but now they have to get back the Eggsteroid from real pigs! This episode features 3 birds.

  • Hoatzin or Skunkbird was actually made on April Fools day 2012 but one of the devs said that some fans wanted it to be in the game.
  • In the end, the Trio thinks they found the Eggsteroid but it's a fake and a minion took it back to Piggy Island so the trio made the hard choice to go to Piggy Island.
  • The level follows the space format with small moons and atmospheres that pigs can freeze outside of

We Come in Beaks![]

The third episode, We come in Beaks!, has 56 levels, across 3 pages. You have to finish Pigs can fly! to play this episode. BAM! The trio's space ship crashes to earth. The flock panic, thinking it was a Pig attack, but they are baffled when three birds come out. One the birds catch Red and Terence's eyes, Blaser, their long lost brother that was abducted by alien pigs for experiments, which gave him his fire powers. Blaser he realizes who they are, Ice tells them what's going on, Red and Terence want to help, and the trio lets them tag along. This episode features 5 birds, Red, Terence, Blaser, Icebomb, and Hoatzin.


The fourth episode, Fused!, has 45 levels, across 3 pages. When Bomb realizes that an Eggsteroid can control more than any other egg, he slings himself through a new space portal. On the way, he transforms into Firebomb! A new bird, indigenous to the Space biome! This episode features 5 birds, Super Red, Firebomb, Blaser, Icebomb, and Hoatzin.

Space war![]

Space war has 120 levels, across 4 pages. When Bomb and Red don't come back from space the flock knows somethings wrong. Chuck, The blues, Terence, Bubbles, and Stella then go to space and become Lazer, The Lightings, The Incredible Terence, The Atomic Bird, and The bubble. They must now rescue Red, Bomb, and the trio and the Eggsteroid from total destruction. This episode has 10 birds.

  • On the first page they must break the birds out of jail discovering that Bomb is now Firebomb and Red is now Super Space Red.
  • The level they fight the final fight the superweapon a huge pig-faced machine that shots huge lasers that can poof the birds. It shots rapidly meaning attacks need to be timed and with only 10 birds and only goes down with 10 hits it's a hard fight but not impossible.
  • In the end, they destroy the Eggsteroid due to its power. The trio sadly felt like they had no purpose but Red offered them places in the flock They happily said yes. This may be the end of the flock's adventures in space but season 2 is not over yet.
  • When they come home the egg has finally hatched!! His name chip.

Baby on Board![]

Baby on board has 60 levels, across 2 pages.Chip has hatched!! Happy day Happy Day!!! For the pigs, however, it is not so with the help of the alien pigs they made a potion to kill poor chip but it didn't in fact it made him stronger he now burps special power-ups that summon things that help or make the flock stronger so now the flock uses him as their secret weapon!!

  • Wingmen: Summon a stronger and faster Terance!!(Common)
  • Birdquake: Cause the ground to shake!!(Common)
  • Power Potion: Make your birds grow!!(Uncommon)
  • Slingscope: Get red dots to show you where you are for 5 whole minutes!(Rare)
  • MIGHTY EAGLE! Sling a salmon can at the pigs, might not be too bad but can't say the same for what's after....(Rare)


Custom Episode (rename-able)[]

An Episode that you can customise and add your own levels in! You can add up to 15 levels over 3 pages, and form your own little story! This episode features 1-21 birds, depending on the levels you choose to add.

Birds & Pigs[]

Birds (in order of appearance)[]

Name Description Colour Ability Strength
Red Red Alert! Red Battle cry. Ice
The Blues Triple Threat! Light Blue Splits into 3. Ice
Chuck Fast & Furious! Yellow Speeds up! Wood
Bomb I'm the Bomb! Black Explodes. Stone
Matilda Fight for Peace! White Drops an Egg.
  • Stone (ability)
  • Wood (bird)
Terence I'm Big - Get over it. Red Super Strength. Stone
Morris A Bouncing Fight! Royal Blue Bouncier than a normal bird. Ice (if doesn't bounce)
Hal Boomerang! Green Comes back like a boomerang. Wood
Bubbles Candy Monster! Orange Inflates into a huge ball. Stone (ability)

Wood (bird)

Ruby Speeding Scarlet! Red 15% quicker than other birds. Wood
Stella Cute and Bubbly! Light Pink Trapping objects in bubbles, then lifting them up and then dropping them. Wood (bird)
Icebomb Freezing Hothead! Light Blue Freezing objects and turning them to ice. He turns everything to ice.
Blaser Red's brother from the same mother! Red He breathes fire popping pigs. He destroys blocks with his fire but the stone is just weakened.
Hoatzin Stinking Smartie! Light Green Makes a deadly cloud of gas that pops pigs. Wood.
Firebomb Flames of Fury! Black Explodes, but with a 15% larger radius, and even more epic than Bomb. Stone
Lazer See ya Lazer!! Purple When the screen is tapped he will go to the place where it was tapped. Wood
The lighting birds Lighting fast!!! Light blue Splits into three but is fast as Ruby. Ice
The Incredible Terence. I'm even bigger-Get over it. Green Super Strength. Stone
Atomic Bird Space monster! Orange Inflates. Wood.
The Bubble Big and bubbly! Pink Becomes Giant bubble. Wood
Super Space Red Yelling Leader! Red Battle cries but is stronger. Wood
Chip Little Buddy! Many Burps power-ups. He isn't playable

Pigs (in order of appearance)[]

Name Description Features Hits to defeat
Basic Pig Totally Clueless! Basic, green pig. One
Corporal Pig Big Dumb Bully! Medium pig with a helmet. One
Foreman Pig Pig Headed! Medium pig with a mustache. One
King Pig Royal Fool! Large pig with a fancy crown. One
Supa-Pig Two sizes too Pig! Humongous pig that needs to be hit twice. Two
Chainsaw Pig A Pig who's work is always destroyed! A basic green pig with a hard hat and a chainsaw. One
Alien Pig Extraterrestrial Idiot! A basic pig with three eyes. One
Astronaut Pig. One small step for pigs, one giant leap for Suidae-kind. A basic minion pig with an astronaut helmet. One


All additions in any update are marked in bold, then are explained in their own section.


First version.

5 Birds, 5 Unique Abilities, Many Pigs to defeat!

Birds: Red, Chuck, The Blues, Bomb, and Matilda.

Pigs: Basic, Corporal, Foreman, Supa, and King.

Episodes: Scrambled!, Corn Clash, Pig Showdown


Birds: Red, Chuck, The Blues, Bomb, Matilda, and Terence.

Terence is a bird with super-strength, who can destroy buildings very easily.

Pigs: Basic, Corporal, Foreman, Supa, and King.

Episodes: Scrambled!, Corn Clash, Pig Showdown, The Pig Outbreak

The Pig Outbreak: The pigs are back for more! Quickly take out these porkers! There are 30 levels in this episode, and you can only use Terence at the start!


Birds: Red, Chuck, The Blues, Bomb, Matilda, Terence, and Morris.

Morris is a bird that can bounce off of an obstacle to get a better shot.

Pigs: Basic, Corporal, Foreman, Supa, and King.

Episodes: Scrambled!, Corn Clash, Pig Showdown, The Pig Outbreak, Blue Moon

Blue Moon: The pigs can now track the Birds, but for some reason, they cannot see any blue birds, over the blue moon. The Blues meet a new bird, Morris, then go on to attack the pigs for the fifth time. There are 63 levels in Episode 5.


Birds: Red, Chuck, The Blues, Bomb, Matilda, Terence ,Morris ,Hal and Bubbles.

Hal is a bird that can loop back into the direction where it was fired.

Bubbles is a bird that can puff up to a size bigger than Terence.

Pigs: Basic, Corporal, Foreman, Supa, King, and Chainsaw.

Episodes: Scrambled!, Corn Clash, Pig Showdown, The Pig Outbreak, Blue Moon and Logging Lollies.

Logging Lollies: The pigs are taking a break from stealing the eggs and aiming at a new place but will have to face against its two residents first! There are 45 levels in Episode 6.


Birds: Red, Chuck, The Blues, Bomb Matilda, Terence, Morris, Hal, and Bubbles.

Pigs: Basic, Corporal, Foreman, Supa, King, and Chainsaw.

Episodes: Scrambled!, Corn Clash, Pig Showdown, The Pig Outbreak, Blue Moon, Logging Lollies, and Operation Porkbelly.

Operation Porkbelly: The pigs steal the eggs from the Flock for the 6th time! You will attack the pigs from afar using your well-known slingshot, in Episode 7! 45 levels included.


Birds: Red, Chuck, The Blues, Bomb Matilda, Terence, Morris, Hal, Bubbles, Ruby, and Stella.

Ruby is a bird that is 15% faster than other birds.

Stella is a bird that uses bubbles as a weapon.

Pigs: Basic, Corporal, Foreman, Supa, King, and Chainsaw.

Episodes: Scrambled!, Corn Clash, Pig Showdown, The Pig Outbreak, Blue Moon, Logging Lollies, Operation Porkbelly and Love Doves.

Love Doves: Two new birds have joined the flock Ruby and Stella and while Red and Chuck want to become their cockerels/roosters (Boyfriends), they forget to watch the eggs, and so the pigs steal them. Now it's up to Red, Chuck and their new lady friends to save them!


Birds: Red, Chuck, The Blues, Bomb, Matilda, Terence, Morris, Hal, Bubbles, Ruby, and Stella.

Pigs: Basic, Corporal, Foreman, Supa, King, and Chainsaw.

Episodes: Scrambled!, Corn Clash, Pig Showdown, The Pig Outbreak, Blue Moon, Logging Lollies, Operation Porkbelly, Love Doves, and The Last Chop. (final for Season 1)

The Last Chop: After 8 episodes of Pig Pranks, the Birds are getting restless with the scrambling, poaching, and/or frying of their young. As they go over standard Bird and Egg vs. Pig Prank safety precautions, the Eggs are stolen by a lone Minion Pig. After the Birds find out, they all chase the Pigs over an epic showdown of the fates! Update now for 63 new levels.


Seasons: 1, 2.

Birds: Red, Chuck, The Blues, Bomb, Matilda, Terence, Morris, Hal, Bubbles, Ruby, and Stella.

Pigs: Basic, Corporal, Foreman, Supa, King, and Chainsaw.

S2 Episodes: Piga-Dilly

Piga-Dilly: It has been years since the events of Season 1. The Birds haven't even seen a pig since then, and one of the eggs is hatching! The Birds are excited. As they get a small-cap ready for the Hatchling, a pig swoops in and steals the Eggs, including the hatching one! The Birds get ready for their next adventure, and swoop in to fight, and flight! This episode has 45 new levels.

Season 2: This story is separate from Season 1's story as if it were AB Reborn 2! You can still play Season 1, but its support is over. Season 2 will be bigger, badder - and birdier! The version numbers will follow suit, as this is now v2.0.0, not v1.7.0! There is currently only 1 episode, but more are coming soon!



Birds: Red, Chuck, The Blues, Bomb, Matilda, Terence, Morris, Hal, Bubbles, Ruby, Stella, Icebomb, Blaser, and Hoatzin.

Icebomb turns things to ice.

Blaser can breathe fire.

Hoatzin makes a deadly gas around him.

Pigs: Basic, Corporal, Foreman, Supa, King, Chainsaw, Astronaut and Alien.

Alien pigs have three eyes.

Astronaut pigs have helmets that can break and expose them to space.

S2 episodes: Piga Dilly and Pigs can fly!

Pigs can fly!

The pigs have been plotting to destroy the birds all these years and steal the eggs but they need the Eggsteroid to power their machine so they go into space and steal it! It has 67 levels


Seasons:1, 2.

Birds: Red, Chuck, The Blues, Bomb, Matilda, Terence, Morris, Hal, Bubbles, Ruby, Stella, Icebomb, Blaser, and Hoatzin.

Pigs: Basic, Corporal, Foreman, Supa, King, Chainsaw, Astronaut and Alien.

S2 episodes: Piga Dilly, Pigs can fly! and We Come in Beaks!.

We Come in Beaks!: The extraterrestrial trio comes to Piggy Island, meeting the flock and explain their situation.Terence and Red help to catch up with their long lost brother Blaser and the Eggsteroid is still missing, captured by the Pigs.


Seasons: 1, 2.

Birds: Red, Chuck, The Blues, Bomb, Matilda, Terence, Morris, Hal, Bubbles, Ruby, Stella, Icebomb, Blaser, Hoatzin, and Firebomb.

Firebomb: Basically, a powered-up, stronger version of Bomb, with a 15% larger explosion radius.

Pigs: Basic, Corporal, Foreman, Supa, King, Chainsaw, Astronaut, and Alien.

S2 episodes: Piga-Dilly, Pigs Can Fly!, We Come in Beaks! and Fused!.

Fused!: Bomb slings himself into space after realizing how powerful an Eggsteroid is, he meets up with the rest of the Flock in space, and he tags along, however, he has been transformed into Firebomb! 45 levels are featured in this episode, hop in to keep up the fight for that Eggsteroid!


Seasons: 1, 2.

Birds: Red, Chuck, The Blues, Bomb, Matilda, Terence, Morris, Hal, Bubbles, Ruby, Stella, Icebomb, Blaser, Hoatzin, Firebomb,Lazer, The Lightings, The Incredible Terence, Atomic Bird, The Bubble, and Super Space red.

Lazer: A bird that goes the direction you want to.

The Lightings: Basically, a powered-up, faster version of the blues.

The Incredible Terence: Basically larger Terence.

Atomic Bird: Basically bubbles.

The Bubble: A bird that when the screen is tapped becomes a giant bubble.

The Screecher: Red but his cry is louder.

Pigs: Basic, Corporal, Foreman, Supa, King, Chainsaw, Astronaut, and Alien.

S2 episodes: Piga-Dilly, Pigs Can Fly!, We Come in Beaks!, Fused! and Space war.

Space War: The Flock gets worried when Red and Bomb don't come back so some of them go to space to end this once and for all.


Seasons: 1, 2, Custom Series

Added Custom Level Support

C.S. episodes: Custom Episode 1

Custom Episode 1: 45 levels, endless possibilities. Using the Angry Birds Reborn: Level Creator, you can create custom levels and add them to your own custom episode, which you can rename, set a custom backdrop for it, and more! You can also reset your episode by going to the settings and holding down reset. Have fun!


Seasons: 1, 2, Custom Series

Birds: Red, Chuck, The Blues, Bomb, Matilda, Terence, Morris, Hal, Bubbles, Ruby, Stella, Icebomb, Blaser, Hoatzin, Firebomb,Lazer, The Lightings, The Incredible Terence, Atomic Bird, The Bubble, Super Space red and Chip.

Chip isn't playable but you can collect apples to feed him and then he will burp out power-ups!

Power-Ups: Wingman, Birdquake, Power Potion, Sling Scope, Mighty Eagle.

Wingmen: Summon a stronger and faster Terance!!(Common)

Birdquake: Cause the ground to shake!!(Common)

Power Potion: Make your birds grow!!(Uncommon)

Slingscope: Get red dots to show you where you are for 5 whole minutes!(Rare)

MIGHTY EAGLE! Sling a salmon can at the pigs, might not be too bad but can't say the same for what's after....(Rare)

Pigs:Pigs: Basic, Corporal, Foreman, Supa, King, Chainsaw, Astronaut, and Alien.

S2 episodes: Piga-Dilly, Pigs Can Fly!, We Come in Beaks!, Fused!, Space war and Baby on Board.

Chip has hatched!! But the pigs want to kill him but what they do only makes him stronger. This ep has 60 levels.

Character Gallery[]

About Angry Birds Reloaded[]

Hi, this is CptChuck07, the original creator of this page, and I would just like to send a big thank you to Rovio for creating Angry Birds Reloaded, which is basically Angry Birds Reborn.

Whether Reloaded was designed after an employee saw this page, or if both were designed as a spiritual successor by chance, our wishes of a new, classic Angry Birds game have been fulfilled. Thank you so much, Rovio.

- oddgorl23 (under the name CptChuck07), July 21st, 2021
