Angry Birds Fanon Wiki
Angry Birds Fanon Wiki

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Angry Birds Starfall is a puzzle slingshot game created by Rovio in collaboration with Starfall Entertainment and 343 Industries. Taking place after the second Angry Birds Movie, it involves the Birds and (now) Good Piggies taking a trip to Starfall City.


It is two months since the eggs finally hatched, putting an end to the feud between the Birds and Pigs for good. A mysterious, large industrial container is airdropped to Piggy Island one night, and noticed by the Birds and Pigs the next morning. The crate contains a map to Starfall City, a compass, brochures, and parts so the Good Piggies can build one of their transports to get there. The Piggies were even enticed into the trip with a famed treasure--EGGS! The Pigs build a cargo plane, and as instructed on a brochure, the Birds load their slingshot for the trip, plus get the container in for it to be re-used.

When the gang arrives, they find that several forts with practice targets have been laid out for them. Some spots were even pointed out for where to place the slingshot, and the Birds happily begin target practice.

Unfortunately, despite the squeaky-clean air, minimal crime rate, and futuristic technology fitted within a modern city (like gravity roads and portals), trouble begins to brew in Starfall City. A dangerous gang known as the Shadow Razors, having managed to take over the planet four times before (though having been thwarted each time), is planning a new attempt. Not wanting these dangerous avians in their way, the Squares kidnap the Good Piggies and lock them away. The move would have been smart two months ago, but now that the wounds of the past have healed, the once docile Birds quickly turn hostile and begin a deadly assault on Shadow Razor forts.

(story to be expanded)


As with the previous Angry Birds games, the player tries to take down hostile-controlled forts and eradicate all the targets with a limited supply of birds.

Returning and/or Updated Features[]

  • All birds from Angry Birds, Angry Birds Seasons, Angry Birds Space, and Angry Birds Stella make a return here. Silver also returns.
    • To differentiate between her two abilities, Stella holds a bubble wand if she'll blow bubbles, or wear a red headband if she'll use her Pink Flash ability from Angry Birds Stella. If she has both, the player may select which ability to use before her launch.
    • Due to her complicated and unpredictable loop route, Silver will project the trajectory she will take should her loop ability be used at that moment.
  • Space levels return, and with them, the Ice Bird.
    • This time, none of the original flock have been left on the ground. Matilda, Hal, Stella, and Silver make it to space with adapted abilities! (See New Features).
  • The following Power-Ups return: Power Potion, King Sling, Sling Scope, Birdquake, Shockwave, Homing Bird, TNT Drop, Telebird, Flock of Birds, Space Egg, Wingman, and Boombox.
    • The Sling Scope extends the targeting cursor if one is already present.
    • The player may tap the screen to pick where the TNT crates will be dropped when TNT Drop is used.
    • Extra targeting cursors show where the extra birds will be launched to if Flock of Birds is used.
  • The Mighty Eagle can be used to skip levels.
    • The player's Eagle Score is a numerical score rather than a percentage. Like with traditional Eagle Scoring, passing a certain threshold of destruction will earn the player a Feather.
  • Sometimes birds will be in cages. Breaking the cage will free the bird and add it to the bird queue.
  • The Daily Challenge and King Pig Panic (the latter rebranded into the Master Challenge) return.
  • The Arena returns.

New Features[]

  • Touch Blocks can be moved across their tracks during a level. The Slingshot may be on such a track, allowing the player to move where they launch birds from.
  • Certain Switches, when hit, power Mechanisms like Fans, Vacuums, and Mechanical Blocks.
  • The Slingshot can encounter damage and eventually break if hit by objects or boss attacks! If the Slingshot is on a Touch Block, the player should be diligent to not only attack, but also evade incoming fire. If the Slingshot breaks during a level, the player fails, even if they have birds left and/or all targets get eradicated afterward (though when the last target is down, the slingshot becomes invincible).
    • The new Power-Up Slingshot Repair gradually restores Slingshot health. A Quick Fix can also be used to quickly restore the Slingshot to half health should it break.
    • King Sling increases the slingshot's health. Its shape-memory titanium-diamond alloy allows it to restore a little health if damaged, which stacks with Slingshot Repair.
    • Not all levels will allow the Slingshot to take damage. In those that do, the player will get a Slingshot Health Bonus added to their score for how much health the Slingshot had remaining.
    • Because the Slingshot can now be damaged, bosses can now fight back by attempting to damage the slingshot.
  • The player is sometimes allowed to pick which bird they want to launch.
  • Some levels are timed. If the targets are not eradicated in this time, the player will fail, even if they have birds left.
    • If the player manages to finish a level, they will get a Time Bonus added to their score.
  • Some levels give the player an infinite number of birds, but apply a time limit and/or enable slingshot damage.
  • Sequence Levels require the player to finish a certain amount of rooms before the time limit runs out, they run out of birds, or (in some cases) the slingshot gets broken. When a room is completed, the time limit is paused until the next room starts; any leftover birds are carried over to the next room, extra time is added to the clock, and the slingshot gets repaired slightly (any excess health gained becomes a score bonus). When the last room is completed, the level is finished and score tallies as normal. Sequence levels appear as stacked squares (on land) or circles (in space).
    • The clock stops when the player defeats the last target of a room, and resumes when the next room begins.
    • The player gradually regenerates to, and may hold a maximum of, five Rewinds (assuming no Extra Rewind Slot upgrades). One Rewind can be used to retry a room of a Sequence Level or "step back" to the previous room at any time (unless the player aborts the attempt).
      • When the player advances to a new room, the remaining time and carried birds are saved. Retrying a room loads that save; stepping back or aborting the attempt deletes the save and supersedes it when the player returns.
      • The player may not Rewind to retry or step back to the first room, as they can already use a generic retry to get there.
  • Matilda, Hal, Stella, and Silver are available in some Space levels. Their abilities are as follows:
    • Matilda fires her egg toward where the player taps.
    • Hal creates a vortex that pulls objects in. The vortex is stationary and lasts for five seconds; Hal will continue to follow his trajectory.
    • When she has her bubble wand, Stella's spawned bubbles will float toward where the player tapped. Her Pink Flash ability is not affected.
    • Silver establishes an orbit path, with its center around where the player tapped. A second tap will release her from this orbit, though she will also exit it automatically if she hits something or makes a full orbit.
  • The Enhanced Trajectory Goggles Power-Up will add trajectory lines or show effect areas for the birds' abilities. It does not extend the initial trajectory line. It will also slow time down if the player holds their finger.
  • A Perfection Medal is available for each level and is rewarded for three-starring a level and satisfying an extra objective. Perfecting a level rewards the player with 5 Bird Coins, and Perfecting a chapter will reward the player with 1000 Bird Coins.
  • Bounties are introduced after Level 2-5. The player may check the Bounty Board to see what Bounties are available. A Bounty consists of a Bounty Target, a "last seen" location and picture of the Target in the level (which hint at the level the bounty is in), and a Reward, which could be Bird Coins, Power-Ups, Rewind Packs, or Space Eagles.
    • Bounty Targets replace typical targets in levels. When the player kills or destroys the Target, they receive the Reward.
    • Bounties will never appear:
      • Together in one level
      • In levels that have not been Perfected
      • In the same level twice in a row
      • In bonus levels
      • In Chapter 1
  • Final Physics is available if and only if the player loses a level by running out of birds. It can be used to resume the level in hopes of moving objects taking out the last remaining targets or freeing caged birds. The player may operate touch blocks, but may not use Power-Ups (even Shockwave and TeleBird). Final Physics lasts for one minute, but its timer will pause if objects are moving above a certain speed threshold. Final Physics can be interrupted if the slingshot breaks or the level's time limit reaches zero. If the Final Physics timer or either of the previous occur, the level failure is cemented and the player must either retry or skip the level with the Mighty Eagle.
  • A boss health bar at the top of the screen tracks the cumulative health of all boss targets. Each boss target is numbered and has its separate visible health bar.

Tower of Prizes and Ambush Levels[]

Identical to Angry Birds 2's Tower of Fortune, the player ascends from floor to floor to collect prizes from a selection of crates, with greater rewards as they go. The main difference is that Shadow Razor troops are in some of the crates, but instead of having to pay coins to get rid of the Shadow Razor troop, the player can instead attempt an Ambush Level.

Ambush Levels are very hard levels that don't let the player use Power-Ups or the Mighty Eagle (though any timed power-ups will carry into here) and only give the player one attempt. Should the player manage to fight off the Ambush, they get to keep going in the Tower. If they lose, the Tower run is forfeit and the player loses the prizes they gathered in that run.

Every fifth floor is a Bonus Floor that provides large prizes such as bundles of Power-Ups and moderate amounts of Bird Coins. Every 25th floor is a Jackpot Floor that provides exotic prizes such as MedKits, Shockwaves, Telebirds, large amounts of Bird Coins, and (very rarely) free Perfection Medals.

The player may exit the Tower at any time to collect their prizes (unless they encountered a Shadow Razor troop). Ambush Levels' difficulties scale higher as the player fights off more Ambushes in one level. The player may only attempt the Tower of Prizes once per day. There are no Shadow Razor troops in the first floor and in Bonus/Jackpot Floors. Perfection Medals acquired in the Tower of Prizes count only toward the Perfection Track.

Perfection Track[]

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As the player collects Perfection Medals, the Perfection Track will progress to allow for exotic rewards. Some of these bonuses can only be obtained via the Perfection Track and aren't available in any other form (even as in-app purchases for real money!).

* May not be purchased

  1. Mighty Eagle
  2. Extra Scouts I - Bounties refresh 5% faster.*
  3. Extra Rewind Slot I - Store and use one extra Rewind.
  4. Sale Priority I - Be let know of sales one day in advance. Sales apply to you for one extra day.*
  5. Reduced Ads I - Reduces ad frequency by 25%. Reduces the price of Removed Ads by 25%.*
  6. Extra Scouts II - Bounties refresh 10% faster. May not be purchased.
  7. Streak Shield I - It takes one more loss to break your Winning Streak in the Arena. Now 2 losses in total will break your streak; one loss will not affect it. Streak Shields replenish when the Streak Track resets from finishing it or losing with no more Streak Shields remaining.
  8. Sale Priority II - Be let know of sales 2 days in advance. Sales apply to you for two extra days.*
  9. Reduced Ads II - Reduces ad frequency by 50%. Reduces the price of Removed Ads by 50%.*
  10. Streak Shield II - It takes one more loss to break your Winning Streak in the Arena. Now 3 losses in total will break your streak; 2 losses or fewer will not affect it.
  11. Extra Rewind Slot II - Store and use two extra Rewinds.
  12. Challenge Shield I - It takes one more loss to reset your progress in the Daily Challenge and Master Challenge. Now 2 losses in total will reset your progress; one loss will not affect it. Challenge Shields replenish when a new Daily Challenge is available or when you retry the Daily Challenge, but not the Master Challenge. Challenge Shields will NOT replenish if you complete the Daily Challenge and move on to the Master Challenge.
  13. Reduced Ads III - Reduces ad frequency by 75%. Reduces the price of Removed Ads by 75%.*
  14. Streak Shield III - It takes one more loss to break your Winning Stream in the Arena. Now 4 losses in total will break your streak; 3 losses or fewer will not affect it.
  15. Challenge Shield II - It takes one more loss to reset your progress in the Daily Challenge and Master Challenge. Now 3 losses in total will reset your progress; 2 losses or fewer will not affect it.
  16. Extra Scouts III - Bounties refresh 15% faster. Location hints now have a 50% chance of stating the exact level the Bounty is in.
  17. Streak Shield IV - It rakes one more loss to reset your Winning Streak in the Arena. Now 5 losses in total will break your streak; 4 or fewer will not affect it.
  18. Remove Ads - Remove all game-interrupting ads and ads in the menus.
  19. Challenge Shield III - It takes one more loss to reset your progress in the Daily Challenge and Master Challenge. Now 4 losses in total will reset your progress; 3 losses or fewer will not affect it. Challenge Shields are now replenished when starting or retrying the Master Challenge.
  20. Skip Any Ad - You can now skip bonus ads without missing your reward.*
  21. Longer Master Challenge Timer - The Master Challenge time limit is doubled to 1 hour.
Reward Description Medals Required In-App Purchase?
Mighty Eagle Unlock the Mighty Eagle for free. Yes
Extra Scouts 1 Bounties refresh 5% faster. No
Extra Rewind Slot 1 Store and use one extra Rewind (up to 6 total). No
Sale Priority 1 Be let know of sales one day in advance if no time frame was announced, or one extra day in advance if a time frame was announced. Timed sales apply to you for one extra day. One extra chance to buy any unpurchased flash sales. No
Reduced Ads 1 Reduces ad frequency by 25%. 25% chance of a non-video ad simply not appearing. Reduces the price of the Remove Ads purchase by 25%. No
Extra Scouts 2 Bounties refresh 10% faster. No
Streak Shield 1 It takes one more loss to break your Winning Streak.


Main article: Angry Birds Starfall/Bestiary


All targets have red borders to help identify them.

  • Practice Targets
  • Shadow Razor Troops
  • Weapon Racks
  • Ammo Crates (explode when destroyed)
  • Mongooses (explode when destroyed and leaves a fire that burns certain objects)
  • Warthogs (explode when destroyed and leaves a fire that burns certain objects)
  • Recon Satellites (in Space levels)
  • Transport trucks (explode when destroyed and leaves a fire that burns certain objects)
  • Security cameras
  • Computers
  • Server Racks


Rocket Warthog - Boss of Chapter 2[]

The player is given an unlimited amount of Black Birds to defeat this boss, which has one attack: Fire three rockets at the slingshot. The Warthog is vulnerable while the turret is reloading. This boss is the first level where the slingshot can be damaged, and is meant to teach the player to move their slingshot to evade boss attacks. The player will score two stars if they use ten birds or fewer, and three stars if they use five birds or fewer. Perfection if the slingshot does not take any damage.

("Slingshot Games" template - please expand and improve here)
