Angry Birds Fanon Wiki
Angry Birds Fanon Wiki
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Angry Birds: Battle for the multiverse is a game developed by Rovio and Ubisoft. The game is on the ps4/5, xbox, switch, and mobile devices.


Angry birds: Battle for the multiverse (which i'll call it "the game" for my own sanity) is actually story driven. You start as red on bird island (the "movie" version) where a large portal in reality opens in the sky. He goes by himself to see what the ruckus is and comes back to the other birds locked in cages and being taken by the pigs on a boat to piggy island. Then after this you secretly climb on the ship and the game begins.


The game is a slingshot game with 3d models. the game has many birds/pigs that help you and some that don't help.

Playable Characters[]

Name Image Power Level of introduction
No power just anger. Level 1
Chucks Flying
Go super fast! Level 5
Explodes Level 10