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Quotation1 To defeat an enemy, you must pierce their soul by exploiting their weaknesses! This crystal will do just that! HA! Quotation2
— King Pig

King Pig is the king of Piggy Island and the leader of the Bad Piggies. His grand scheme is using his minions to capture three unhatched eggs from the birds to use as food. It is revealed that his stash is always empty although his subjects believe the stash is always full of eggs. King Pig is terrified that if the other bad piggies found out he has never tasted any eggs, they will force him from the throne. While he does succeed on most occasions, the birds are able to destroy his army and retrieve the eggs, while badly injuring the King Pig, though he never quits and always somehow recovers. He was born on September 19, it's unknown who his parents are.



King Pig has the same appearance as any other Bad Piggy, the main difference being that he is larger in size and wears a crown atop his head.


Unlike his mainstream counterpart, King Pig is smart, cunning, and very manipulative. King Pig's heart is nothing but evil, he has little to no good side and treats most of his subjects poorly. His manipulation schemes are what caused him to make Riba turn evil and work for him. If ever in battle or if someone fails him. He will be ruthless and torture them and make them suffer a slow death.


The King Pig has used grand schemes to steal the eggs in each episode:

Angry Birds[]

Poached Eggs[]

King Pig stole the eggs for the first time. He started cooking them but was defeated by the Angry Birds at the end.

Mighty Hoax[]

King Pig once again stole the eggs, but rather than simply fleeing, he placed cardboard cutout eggs in the birds' nest. The birds weren't fooled by this trick, and once again released their vengeance on the pigs for stealing the eggs the second time. There was also a cardboard cutout King Pig used to distract the birds. however, King Pig was behind. In the end, the birds didn't defeat him. Instead, they just destroyed the cardboard cutouts. The birds finally found out about the trick and the real King escaped.

Danger Above[]

After the birds defeated his Cardboard Cutout, It was revealed that he and his minions stole the eggs and flew away on a raft to jungles, cities, and the clouds. The eggs were in a bucket hung below the raft. The birds followed the pigs to the jungle. While trying to battle the pigs, the birds free Hal, The Boomerang Bird, who was captured by the pigs. The birds rescue him and he helps the birds defeat King Pig, retrieve the eggs, and destroy the Small pig's fortress. In the end, King Pig was injured again and hung upside down by the birds.

The Big Setup[]

King Pig and his minions kidnapped the entire flock to prevent the birds from defeating them and stole the eggs. Terence, the Big Brother Bird wanted to exact revenge on the pigs for kidnapping the other birds. In the meantime, the pigs attempted to reconstruct their forts. Quite anxious, Terence went to destroy the fortresses. He then sees Hal kidnapped again and frees him. Together, they freed the Flock. In the end, Terence and Hal captured King Pig in a cage. Terence was given membership into the flock.

Ham 'Em High[]

Shortly after King Pig was freed. He, the Foreman Pig, and a Small Pig use a lasso to drag the eggs from the nest to them, trying not to get too close. This brings both the Birds and the Pigs to the Wild West, where the pigs are wearing cowboy hats and fedoras. The King Pig, on the other hand, is wearing a big sombrero. In the end, the birds rip King Pig's sombrero over his head.

Mine and Dine[]

King Pig and the other pigs try digging underground. The pigs, wearing mining hats and carrying pickaxes, dig a hole near the birds' nest and swipe the eggs from there. They escape through a giant cave, but the birds quickly follow. In the end, the birds shoved King Pig into his mining helmet.

Birdday Party[]

The Birds notice that their eggs are gone and pieces of cake are too. The Orange Bird is worried. The Pigs stole the eggs, along with the missing pieces of cake and a candle. They are covered in frosting. The Birds do not defeat King Pig in the last level because he was not there; however, King Pig was defeated by the birds in the end, covered in frosting.

Bad Piggies[]

The King Pig teams up with Ross and the Mechanic Pig to get the eggs. He is defeated in the end. Strangely, Ross survived unharmed.

Surf and Turf[]

King Pig orders his minion pigs to steal the eggs with balloons on the beach, while he and the Foreman Pig watch. In the end, the Birds defeat King Pig yet again.

Angry Birds Space[]

Pig Bang[]

The King appears in the final level, with a tank which shoots vegetables and rocks in bubbles. Pop the bubbles containing the rocks. You can also hit him with Fire Bomb Bird. In the end, after destroying the tank, he appears to be defeated, but he pushes a button, revealing a UFO. He escapes to Cold Cuts and the birds pursue him to the next planet.

Cold Cuts[]

The King Pig now uses his UFO (with mechanical claws) to move on the screen. To defeat him, you need to blast the TNT, hit the ice, or the rocks. If you do these methods (or one or two of them), you defeat him. In the cutscene, he appears beaten and battered in his destroyed UFO. He returns in Pig Dipper.

Pig Dipper[]

King Pig is shown again, this time in a submarine, which carries the Eggsteroid on the back. You can hit him with Fire Bomb or Terence, use the Lazer Bird to pull the Chains with Anchors, or hit the rocks or TNT. In the end, he's shown beaten again and does not try to retreat.


  • The Angry Birds Seasons episode "Go Green, Get Lucky" is the first episode that uses the Google Chrome Designs of the Bad Piggies in cut-scenes, including King Pig.
  • In Angry Birds Space, King Pig now supports the idea of Boss Battles which is similar to the same setup in Angry Birds Rio where Mauro, the leader of the Marmosets appears on level 8-15 and 14-15 as a boss battle and Nigel, appears on level 4-15 and 12-15. The three major boss battles in which King Pig stars in so far until more updates in Angry Birds Space appear is on level 1-30 as a UFO tank, as a UFO Spaceship on level 2-30, and in a submarine in level 6-30, whereas in other Angry Birds Games he is located in a Castle-Like Fortress along with the other Bad Piggies that surround his Fortress.
  • As there is only one King Pig in the entire game, it's the most rare variety of pigs seen, and when it does appear, no more than one King Pig will ever appear in the same stage together. The only exception is Golden Egg Level 13 and Eggsteroid level 7 which features four King Pigs. The King Pigs in the golden egg level are probably imposters or cardboard cutouts.
  • For some reason, the cardboard King Pig can move and do things such as laugh, smile, and blink. However, the King Pig may have designed it like that to heighten the illusion that it was real. It's also possible that the King Pig placed the cardboard cutout and escaped just before his defeat.
  • Before the Chrome version, when he is nearly defeated, the King Pig seems to look angered.
  • In 4 Angry Birds board games, Knock on Wood, On Thin Ice, Catapult Deluxe Set, and Spring Is In The Air, the King Pig's crown is removed and replaced by one of his ears.
  • In Mine and Dine, he appears in the final level of each world. In Mighty Hoax, if his cardboard cutout is considered real, he appears in the final level for both worlds.
  • After the Birdday Party update, although the new Mighty Hoax cut-scene has the Google Chrome designs, the Cardboard cut-out is still the original design.
  • King Pig does not appear in Angry Birds Space after the planet Cold Cuts, until Pig Dipper, which he appears in the boss fight.
  • In some of the Angry Birds ending cutscenes, his crown falls off, excluding Danger Above and The Big Setup in Angry Birds, and Pig Bang and Pig Dipper in Angry Birds Space ending cutscenes. But in the game, it doesn't despite hitting him with the bird. 
  • In the boss level of Cold Cuts, if you get the Ice Bird close enough to his UFO, he will freeze.
  • In the comic, The Bidding War, King Pig's birthday supposedly takes place. The comic was released on September 12; but then King Pig claims his birthday is next week, meaning King Pig's birthdate is September 19.
    • King Pig is the only character with a known birthdate (September 19).
  • Besides Prince Porky and Wiz Pig, he is the only boss inside a castle in Angry Birds Epic.
  • To keep his secret that he has never eaten any eggs, King Pig regularly arranges egg-eating ceremonies. He makes fake eggs using a mixture of grass, chalk, and mud as he has no eggs in his royal treasure chamber.