Outdoor Shine Blocks are seen in Angry Birds: World in a great part of New Pork levels and Las Vegas. They are hard to destroy.
- Red Bird - five hits will be necessary to break it
- Yellow Bird - three hits will be necessary to break it
- Bomb Bird - Instant Breaking
- Terence - two hits for breaking
- Blue Bird - 100.000.000 hits to break it
- White Bird - Egg hit will break it
- Green Bird - five hits will be necessary to break it
- Orange Bird - Instant Breaking
- Pink Bird - A Bubble will carry it.
- Water Bird - if hitted will became a simple metal block
- Fire Bird - Instant Breaking
- Rain Bird - If hitted will became a simple metal block
- Sensei Bird - If hitted will disappear as usual
- The Egg - If hitted will high its power
- Mighty Eagle - Instant Breaking
- Hawk- 2 hits for breaking
- Atomic Bird - explode as usual
- Ice Bird - Will became ice
- TNT Boxes - explode as usual
- Jalapeño Boxes - explode as usual
- Pepper - will be set on fire, and destroyed
- Water - will became a simple metal block
- Lava - will be set on fire, and destroyed
- BOOM! Block - explode as usual
- Fall from High - won't break
- Smashed by Rock - won't break
- Smashed by Fat Pig - Instant Breaking
- In Space - shall became ice
- Shots - with 3 shots will became a simple metal block
- Blackout - will became a simple metal block
- Lazer - Instant Breaking