Angry Birds Fanon Wiki
Angry Birds Fanon Wiki

Super Angry Birds (Not to be confused with the Official Superhero Comic Book Series with the same name) is a playable fangame developed by Frekay Planet. The game is basically the Original Angry Birds Game and Super Mario World put together.

The game has been released on Scratch on May 12, 2024. And it can be played on (Version 2.0 Update), Scratch, and Turbowrap.


A flock of rare multi-colored birds, led by the Red Bird and containing the Blue Bird and the Yellow Bird guarded a nest containing three eggs. However, from the distance watched the Pigs, led by the greedy King Pig. These pigs have been relegated to eat grass, and King Pig, who, unlike his ancestors, has never eaten eggs and needs to keep that fact a secret, has had enough. Meanwhile, When the Birds went somewhere else, King Pig saw his chance, and, along with other pigs, they stole the eggs while the birds weren't looking. The Red Bird and his three comrades spotted the empty nest and screamed in shock. The Red Bird mourned the loss of the eggs, while the Blue Bird trying to find of where they are, whom the Yellow had noticed of who stole their Eggs. Using a slingshot, the birds slung themselves towards structures made by the greedy pigs and managed to defeat all three elites and get their eggs back.

Afterward, the multiple episodes show the pigs trying new ways to get the eggs. The birds meet more members of their species along the way (Black, White, Green, etc.), and the battle continues to various places. along the way they would encounter some big bad foes (Flighthog only for now) that they have to face.

At the very end the Birds can finally have peace with the Eggs and just a few seconds later the Eggs hatch into chicks. Which made the birds happy knowing that the pigs were finally gone.




There is a total of 8 Playable Birds in the game. They are also referred as "Color Birds."

Image Bird Type Name Character Name Ability First Appears In Species
Red Bird Red Squawks when you tap on the angry eye button. 1-1 Northern Cardinal
Blue Bird Jay, Jake, & Jim (The Blues) Multiplies into 3, and each clone is bumped slightly up or down. 1-6 Eastern Bluebird
Yellow Bird Chuck Gains more speed. 1-11 Alantic Canary
Black/Bomb Bird Bomb Able to explode in mid-air or on impact. 2-3 Common Loon
White Bird Matilda Drops an egg which then explodes. The bird herself becomes deflated and is propelled fast upwards and to the right. The body still collides and can be used as a powerful Red. 2-6 Chicken
Green/Boomerang Bird Hal On air, opens his beak and flies in the opposite direction, maintaining the same speed and vertical direction. He also flies higher than all the other birds when fired. 3-3 Emerald Toucanet
Brown/Spiked Bird Needle Pops out spikes out of its body only during combat. they'll able to regenerate anytime except if the bird poofs away. 3-11 Cactus Wren
Indigo Bird Jacob Faces down to the ground and smashes in a vertical direction. He also flies the highest than all the other birds when fired for his ability. 3-12 Blue Jay
Big Red Bird Terence Stronger than common birds, but no real power. (Great at breaking all blocks) A-1 (Side Quest)

5-1 (Campain)

Large Northern Cardinal
Purple Bird TBA Bounces around through various tiles in a pong-like direction 10 times until it gets overwhelmed and poofs away. 4-3 Purple Finch
Orange Bird Bubbles Expands to a huge size, like a balloon, propelling all blocks away while in a tight space in either mid-air or on impact. After impact, it deflates. 5-3 Spot Breasted Oriole
Big Yellow Bird Jerry Gains more speed and great at breaking all blocks 5-11 Large Alantic Canary


Image Bird Type Name Character Name Ability First Appears In Species
TBA Pink Bird Stella TBA TBA Galah
TBA Lime Bird TBA TBA TBA Green Broadbill
TBA Silver Bird Silver TBA TBA Peale's Falcon
TBA Black-Blue Bird Senor Redshank TBA TBA TBA
TBA Yellow-Black Bird Missy Golocrest TBA TBA TBA
TBA Blue-Yellow Bird Lady Grant TBA TBA TBA
TBA Yellow-Blue Bird Headshot TBA TBA TBA
TBA Black-White Bird Reporter TBA TBA TBA


The Enemies of the Birds that are always hungry for their Eggs. When you complete every episode, as well as the Golden Eggs. All of the Pigs will be replaced into Frogs.

Image Name Description First Appears In
Green Pig/Green Frog The Basic Pig/Frog 1-1
Small Pig/Tadpole The Basic Pig/Frog, But Small. 1-3
Red Pig/Red Frog Explodes when popped Egg-3
Helmet Pig/Sergeant Frog A Pig/Frog with a Helmet 1-5
Mustache Pig/Tree Frog An Elderly Pig/Frog 1-10
King Pig/King Frog The King of all Pigs/Frogs 1-15


So far there is only one boss of the game (2 in fact for the 12th Golden Egg Level), which is Flighthog.

Image Name Description First Appears In
Flighthog A Sulfur Cockatoo-Pig hybrid that flies up, behind, down and flies to the front, flies a bit in a zigzag way, and returns to the process. He'll occasionally laugh during the battle. he is very strong but can easily be injured by explosions, spikes, and stronger birds. He will be defeated after his health runs out, where he will lose his flight and drops to the ground/pit. If the player doesn't complete the level, he will keep laughing of the bird's misery. 4-10

Other Characters[]

Image Name Description
The Eggs Three Eggs that contain newborn birds that the Birds always like protecting, and that the Pigs always like stealing to feed them to the King.
Ladybug Just Little Ladybug that appears in the Third Episodes Final Cutscene.
Chicks/Baby Birds/Hatchlings Baby Birds that hatch out of the Birds Eggs in the Secret Final Cutscene.
N/A Blu The Bird from Rio that makes a semi-cameo with one of his feather in Level 3-6. When a Bird touches it, you'll collect a Golden Egg.


There are a total of 7 Episodes (5 for campaign, 1 for Sidequest, and 1 for Golden Eggs) in the game.

Image Name Total Levels Description
Episode 1: Green Grove 15 The First Episode. Takes place in a Basic Grassy Field with the usual plot: Pigs trying to steal the eggs from the birds.
Episode 2: Chocolate Mountains 10 The Second Episode. Takes place in the Brown Mountains with it involving the Pigs playing with rocks.
Episode 3: Forest 'O' Hogs 15 The Third Episode. Takes place in a Forest with it involving the Pigs hiding in the woods.
Episode 4: When Pigs Fly 10 The Fourth Episode. Takes place in the Cloudy Skies with it involving the Pigs claiming wings for them to fly.
Episode 5: Vanilla Caverns 15 The Fifth and Final Episode. Takes place in a Sparkling Cavern with it involving the Pigs mining underground.
Episode A: Officially Re-rolling 15 The First Side Episode. Takes place from the past three locations where the Pigs try to reclaim their plans by not only stealing The Eggs but also captured the Birds, leaving only the Big Red Bird to come to the rescue along with the Green Bird.
Golden Eggs 12 (Levels)

1 (Minigames)

The Secret Episode of the game where it contains all of the levels that are available by getting the various scattered Golden Eggs.


Main Article: Super Angry Birds Levels

Golden Egg Guides[]

Each Golden Egg is found by reaching far parts of the levels or other stuff.

  1. Go to 1-3 and quickly on the smiley face three times and then the Egg will spawn. When the bird hits the Egg, you collect it.
  2. Go to 1-11 and use the Yellow Bird to speed through the structure to find the Egg nearby.
  3. Go to the Episode 1 Menu and very rarely the Egg will spawn. When clicked, you collect it.
  4. Go to 2-8 and use the White Bird to fly through the structure and then drop and egg bomb which the bird will fly up to the near Egg.
  5. Go to the Password Menu and then type in the word "Egg" in the Password. When you submit it, you unlock the Egg.
  6. Go to 3-6 and use the Green Bird one or three times to fly through the structure and then activate his boomerang powers to find Blu's feather in a corner. Once when a bird flies to it, you'll collect the Egg.
  7. Go to 3-15 and use the Indigo Bird or the Green Bird to fly through the structures and the cliff to find the Egg in the left corner nearby.
  8. Go to the Password Menu and then type in the word "100" in the Password. When you submit it, you unlock the Egg. (Prior to the 2.0 update, complete all of the default 7 Golden Egg Levels to collect the last secret, Egg.)
  9. Go to A-13 and use the Green Bird to fly through the structure and then activate his boomerang powers to find the Egg next to the wall.
  10. Go to 4-9 and use the Purple Bird or the Green Bird to fly through the structures and the cloudy cliff to find the Egg in the left corner nearby.
  11. Go to 5-9 and the method is the same as 1-3.
  12. Complete all of the default 11 Golden Egg Levels and the Red Egg Minigame to collect the last secret, Egg.
  • Complete Episode A to unlock the Red Egg.


On April 20, 2023, A post was made that shows one of the games sprites being shown on a forum in The VG Resource. The characters that were featured are all eight birds from the official game series, and all five pigs, and with the bottom-left text saying "Frekay Planet 4-20-23".

On May 3, 2024, the "Super Angry Birds" YouTube channel was created, and it uploaded two videos. The Gameplay Video, and it's First Trailer. Later on, May 5, 2024, the original Super Angry Birds channel videos had been privatized. But they had been officially reuploaded on the developer's channel, FreKay Planet. Which they can be found here. On May 6, 2024, the trailer was also posted on reddit.

On May 7, 2024, the Second Trailer of the game which was called the "Release Date Trailer" was uploaded. an in that video it revealed the Green Bird and a confirmed release date of May 12th. On May 9, 2024, A third reddit post was created for the two unknown new birds that were mentioned from the first post were now shown as silhouettes. The developer even confirmed that they will be revealed when the game releases. When the game had released, the birds were revealed to be the Spiked Bird and the Indigo Bird.

On May 11, 2024, all three posts were removed off of r/angrybirds due to advertising/promotions/self-promotion/referrals/-affiliate links, or anything else along those lines. It hasn't confirmed of why the developer had posted them here, but it may be due to the fact that the developer doesn't use twitter/X at all to post his news.

On May 12, 2024, the game was Finally Released on Scratch. On the next day, all sprite assets from the game were uploaded on The Spriters Resourse. On June 10, 2024, the sprites were also uploaded on Mario Fan Games Galaxy. Later on, January 1, 2025, the sheet would get an update to include the new characters and the upcoming features. On October 9, 2024, Super Angry Birds Biography's was released, As well as the Brown and Indigo Birds classic artwork and names were revealed on a post on Mario Fan Games Galaxy.

On December 28, 2024, A new update for the game was announced on YouTube and Scratch titled "Something BIG Is Coming To SUPER ANGRY BIRDS". The video features a silhouette of the Big Red Bird (Terence) quietly standing in the dark until when he does his growl. after this, it cuts to the confirmed release date which is "January 10, 2025" with four new episodes, four new birds, and one new boss battle (although the creator would later confirm that there's actually going to be three episodes rather than four due to an error). On December 31, 2024, the game was released on, as well as Version 2.0 later on its said date.


  • The Games Cover/Box art is a homage/parody of Super Mario Worlds Box Art.
    • In Addition, The Artwork that was used is Kombo's Designs of the Red Bird and a Green Pig (Albeit outlined).
  • The 4th Episodes title "When Pigs Fly" is a nod to the iconic idiom with the same name.
  • Flighthog is a refrence/nod to Nigel, the main antagonist of "Rio".
  • 5-11's structure resembles Bill Cipher from Gravity Falls.
  • Egg-6's structure spells the word "RIO" which a reference to the 2011 animated film "Rio" as well as a nod to Angry Birds Rio.
  • Egg-7's structure resembles the end of World 1-1 from Super Mario Bros.
    • In addition, the Mustache Pig is representing Mario, the Helmet Pig is representing a Koopa Troopa or a Hammer Bro, and the King Pig representing Bowser. After completing Egg-8 when the Pigs change into Frogs, the Tree Frog representing Yoshi, and the King Frog who is likely Wart.
  • The Sergeant Frogs is based off of the frog characters from the Japanese Manga Series "Stg Frog/Keroro Gunso." most notably the green frog character "Keroro."


  • The Game works on mobile devices except for the Version.
  • Many Structures from the game are referenced off of various buildings.
    • 2-5's structure resembles a horse.
    • 2-9's structure resembles a rocket.
    • 2-10's structure resembles the white house.
    • 3-1's structure resembles a boot.
    • 3-5's structure resembles a dinosaur.
    • 3-7's structure resembles a bottle.
    • 3-8's structure resembles the Stonehenge.
    • 3-9's structure resembles a pyramid.
    • 3-10's structure resembles a skyscraper.
    • 3-11's structure resembles a stage/concert.
    • 4-6's structure resembles an airplane.
    • 4-7's structure resembles some sort of like a hotel.
    • 4-9's structure resembles a cross used for gravestones.
    • 5-7's structure resembles an igloo.
    • Egg-1's structure spells the word "WAO".
    • Egg-4's structure resembles an ice cream.
    • Egg-8's structure spells the numbers "100".
  • While most of the Pigs species are domestic pigs. The Frogs on the other hand are different. The Green Frogs species are Green Tree Frogs, The Tadpoles species are actual Tadpoles, The Red Frogs species are Tomato Frogs, The Tree Frogs species are Red-Eyed Tree Frogs, and the King Frogs species are actual Bullfrogs.
  • An early graphics sheet found on a VG Resource Forum shows early designs of the White and Green Birds, as well as birds that were cut through release which are the Big Red Bird & the Orange Bird shown in the miscellaneous section of the gallery.
    • The White and Green Birds early sprites were originally going to resemble their chrome designs. but in the final, they now resemble their pre-chrome designs.
    • The Big Red Bird & the Orange Bird were later shown on a TSR Sheet, which features an updated design of the Big Red Bird, and even TomLG1992's Purple Bird OC. They would later officially debut in the 2.0 Update along with a new Big Yellow Bird.
  • The Game is created by the same developer behind Super Smash Scratch.
  • There was originally a YouTube channel dedicated to game was created. But it stopped uploading later on the next day.
    • The videos that were on the channel were reuploaded to the developer's channel.





Game Links[] Version (2.0) Version (1.0)

Scratch Version

Turbowrap Version


Super Angry Birds Trailer

Super Angry Birds Release Date Trailer

Super Angry Birds Short Gameplay

Something BIG Is Coming To SUPER ANGRY BIRDS

External Links[]

All Sprites on The Spriters Resource

All Sprites on Mario Fan Games Galaxy

Super Angry Birds on a VG Resource Forum

The Developers Scratch Account

The Developers Channel

Super Angry Birds Trailer Announcement on r/angrybirds (Removed)

Super Angry Birds New Trailer Announcement on r/angrybirds (Removed)

New Birds Reveal on r/angrybirds (Removed)

Super Angry Birds Official YouTube Channel (Moved)

Super Angry Birds Navigation