The Complete Angry Birds Star Wars Saga is a game released in June 15 2020. You can download it for free. It is based on the Star Wars episodes 1-9 with 270 levels.

VIP Game []
This is a better version of the game which costs $10. It also comes with VIP exclusive characters.
Bird Side Characters and Powers[]
- Quail-Gon Jinn (lightsaber)
- Obi-Wan Kaboomi (Force)
- C-3PYOLK (break)
- R2-EGG2 (electric)
- Yoda Bird (lightsaber spin)
- Jar Jar Binks (tounge)
- Redkin Episode I (podracer)
- Peckme (tractor beam)
- Captain Panaka (blaster)
- Redkin Episode II (lightsaber)
- Moa Windu (lightsaber boomerang)
- Jedi Youngling (split)
- Kit Fisto (lightsaber spin)
- Red Skywalker (lightsaber)
- Old Obi-Wan Kaboomi (Force)
- Ham Solo (blaster)
- Blue Squadron (split)
- Terebacca (strength)
- Princess Stella (tractor beam)
- Lando (blaster)
- Rey (lightsaber)
- Finn (blaster)
- BB-8 (electric)
- Poe Dameron (blaster)
- Old Ham Solo (blaster)
- Old Princess Stella (tractor beam)
- Maz Kanata (Force)
- Old Red Skywalker (Force)
- Porg (split)
- Rose (blaster)
- Good Kylo Ren (Force)
- Zori Bliss (grappling hook)
- Old Lando (blaster)
Pork Side Characters and Powers[]
- Jango Fatt (rocket)
- Darth Swindle (Force Lightning)
- Droideka (spin)
- Battle Pig (blaster)
- Darth Moar (lightsaber)
- Count Dodo (lightsaber boomerang)
- Zam Wesell (grappling hook)
- Boba Fatt (rockets)
- General Grunter (lightsabers)
- Redkin Episode III (Force)
- Shocktrooper (blaster)
- Sebulba (podracer)
- Nute Gunray (explode)
- Darth Vader (Force)
- Pigtrooper (blaster)
- Pig Star Trooper (blaster)
- Pig Commander (blaster)
- Grand Moff Tarkin (blasters)
- Snowtrooper (snowballs)
- First Order Pigtrooper (blaster)
- Flametrooper (flamethrower)
- BB-9E (electric)
- Kylo Ren (lightsaber)
- Captain Phasma (blaster)
- Supreme Leader Snoke (Force)
- Hologram Supreme Leader Snoke (hologram and Force)
- Bala Tik (blaster)
- General Hux (blaster)
- Pretonian Guard (electric)
- TIE Fighter Pilot (blaster)
- AT-AT Pilot (laser)
- First Order Executioner (electric)
VIP Exclusive Characters[]
Bird Side[]
- Pilot Red
- Endor Red
- Jedi Red
- Silver C-3PYOLK
- Carbonite Ham Solo
- Wicket
Pork Side[]
- Biker Scout
- Red Battle Pig
- Hologram Darth Swindle
- Shadowtrooper
- Jabba
- Crimson Guard
I.The Flightless Menace[]
- Bird Side location: Naboo
- Pork Side location: Droid Control Ship
II.Attack of the Clones[]
- Bird Side location: Coruscant
- Pork Side location: Kamino
III.Revenge of the Pork[]
- Bird Side location: Geonosis
- Pork Side location: Mustafar
IV.A Bird Hope[]
- Bird Side location: Tatooine
- Pork Side location: Pig Star
V.The Pigs Strike Back[]
- Bird Side location: Hoth
- Pork Side location: Bespin
VI.Return of the Red Guy[]
- Bird Side Location: Endor
- Pork Side location: Pig Star 2
VII.The Pork Awakens[]
- Bird Side location: Jakku
- Pork Side location: Resurgent-Class Star Destroyer
VIII.The Last Jedi Bird[]
- Bird Side location: D'Qar
- Pork Side location: Outer Space
IX.The Rise of Red Skywalker[]
- Bird Side location: Mustafar
- Pork Side location: Outer Space
Reward Chapter[]
- Bird and Pork Side locations: Exegol
Master Your Destiny[]
- Bird Side locations: Naboo, Coruscant, Geonosis, and Tatooine
- Pork Side locations: Bespin, Pig Star 2, Resurgent-Class Star Destroyer, and Outer Space
The Complete Angry Birds Star Wars Saga Go![]
The Complete Angry Birds Star Wars Saga Go!
Daily Challenge[]
The Daily Challenge is a part of the game that have Bird Side and Pork Side challenges. To complete it you have to win 3 levels in a row without restarting any of them. The locations are randomly chosen and the rewards for completing them changes every day, it can be credits, characters, or gift boxes.
The Telepods used here are the ones used in Angry Birds Star Wars II, however the Rebels Telepods don't work. You cannot use Telepods into The Complete Angry Birds Star Wars Saga Go! There is also a new series that have the new characters in this game.
Below is a list of the sets:
- Starkiller Base
- Series 3 Figure Packs
- Jedi Vs First Order Multipack
- Desert Chase
- Droid Pack
- Exegol Battle
- Duel with Kylo Ren
- Kylo Ren Carry Case
- Double Lightsaber Slingshot