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Angry Birds Fanon Wiki
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Not to be confused with Dave's version.

Quotation1 Yeah, I know. Everyone decides to act like I'm a kid. Well, guess what? I have to deal with pigs, robotic soldiers, and even giant fire breathing Turtles on a regular basis! Quotation2
— Volt

Volt's always been treated like a hatchling. Sure, he may have defeated a giant robot dragon, but nobody seems to care about that.

Usually, he'd be in his house, minding his own business, but like always, he goes and defeats whatever is troubling the town... and promptly get punished by the law of adorableness.


He's mostly silent, and like most silent birds, prefers to be by himself than with others. However, he will cooperate if needed.

Compared to the average non-superpowered and technologically stooped bird, he manufactures some of the most bizarre weaponry. He does think a while before doing so, as blatant disregard and violation of thought will, according to him, cause everyone to become prone to stepping on animal-shaped mines.


His ability involves him shooting a dual blast of electric balls. These will go to wherever the player aims it at, as well as follow the rules of gravity.

These blasts can paralyze pigs, disabling their attacks. This, along with their electric contact explosion, makes them recommended against defenses made of metal, but not against anything weaker than iron.

He also has another trick up his nonexistent sleeve: whenever he hits something, anything nearby will get elecrocuted. This makes up for his inability to destroy chains of blocks, which means he should be used to take out pigs, and not weed out any blocks.


  • His lightning ram ability is similar to another bird, but is activated upon harsh contact with something.